
Responses from jkaway

Narrowing down floorstander selection.
Billw, I own both the VR2s and the Vandersteen 2ce Sig. and love bot of them. All and I mean all the Vandy threads at this forum have stated that the jump from the 2s to the 3As is jaw dropping, but i haven't heard them. i listen to mostly classic... 
Integrated Amp for Vandersteens
Since I've had the vandy 2ce Sigs, I've used the MF A300 and it is good but not great.I feel I'm very close but there is still a strange uninvolving quality present-- and I think these speakers can do better so the search goes on. Note: I'm using ... 
Which integrated amp for Von Schweikert VR 1's?
Scott, i have the VR1s and was running them with the Antique Sound Lab MGSI 15DT integrated which although it is only 15w seemed very musical and big . Now i have that same amp running the VR2s and it works for now .Amp is often on AgoN for $500. ... 
Musical Fidelity A300
I've got this amp running my Vandersteen 2CE Sigs. It's good for the price but I'm looking for tubes to do the job. I tried van den Hul I/C to take some of the grain off with ok results. 
Slappys Sob Story. So long folks
I'm already getting mentally primed for "Slappy's Christmas " coming to an internet site near you. In 6 months there will be some amazing digital front end bargains out there and Slappy will tell us all about it. 
Another 6550 vs. KT88, 90, et. al.?
Kevziek, I appreciate your concern about reliability with the Rubys and can only say that there have been no problems so far (3 weeks). Actually, one of my JJ/Tesla KT88s shorted out recently,frying resistors in the amp so I was motivated to try s... 
Another 6550 vs. KT88, 90, et. al.?
Zaikes, et al , let me alert you to a different KT88 than the usual suspects that I read about on the "Gon. This is the "Ruby" brand out of China.I was sceptical when a friend who works for the US distributor gave me a pair to try out in my ASL in... 
Tube Rolling For ASL Hurricanes
I have another ASL integrated,(the MGSI 15DT)and swapped the Chinese KT88s for JJ/Tesla which are way better but I suspect there are better options like Electro-harmonix and Svetlana. Tubestore.com has the former at $50. and the latter at $70. the... 
Tom Waits on Austin City Limits
A bit off topic,gang, but I did see Chuck E. Weiss here in Frisco last year and he was very funny,entertaining witty,original and had band of crazy hipsters backing him that really swung.If he and waits ever did a show together,that would be somet... 
Any small monitors that dont sound thin and bright
Just bought the Von Schweikert VR1 s and i can already tell they will dismiss the Triangle Titus they replaced in my system.BTW,listenned to the MM daCapos last weekend and they were ok but not $2500. worth. John 
Reactions to HP's review of Antique Sound Lab amp?
One comment in passing from that review was that the generic Chinese KT88 s were more than ok and swapping them out was unnecessary. My ASL MGSI 15DT uses these-- first thing I did when I got the amp was buy new JJ/Tesla KT88s, Tomorrow I'll put t... 
What is/are your the most favourite composer s ?
From 30 plus years of listenning: J.S.Bach Ravel - complete piano works Debussy- ditto Grieg- Lyric pieces Brahms Rachmoninoff Poulenc,Satie, Barber, Puccini, Charles Griffes, Chopin,Edward McDowell AND ! current new find Gavin Bryars 
Any Jerry Douglas fans?
If you like Jerry's playing try to find the aldum "Boone Creek" (Sugar Hill CD-3701 ) which is still in print and must have for all Bluegrass fans. I have played Bluegrass for 35 years and never heard anyone better until a few years ago in Nashvil... 
Musical Fidelity A3 24 Dac, any thoughts? Reviews?
Soc. I listenned to this unit at the store with all MF and B&W equipment and was not impressed. The sound was different but by no means better than with the standard one box cd player.From now on Sam Tellig is way suspect with me. John 
Why I am Selling
Well it is true that the unit doesn't look like much since the elactrical fire but after I'd put out the fire with the co2 extinguisher it occurred to me that i'd just performed the poor man's cryo so now I've gotta get 50% above list.Sorry!