

Responses from jjbeason14

Whats on your turntable tonight?
Ok Computer spinning now.  
What is the best way to clean Vinyl?
Also, what's the humminguru equivalent?  
What is your experience with the Spin Clean?
Also, what's the humminguru equivalent?    
What is the best way to clean Vinyl?
I returned the Spin Clean. Thinking about picking up the Humminguru US. Anyone have any experience with it?  
What is your experience with the Spin Clean?
I returned the Spin Clean. Thinking about picking up the Humminguru US. Anyone have any experience with it?  
What is your experience with the Spin Clean?
I can't understand how some people are having good results with the SC. There is no difference in my experience, I mean Zero. Strange  
What is your experience with the Spin Clean?
Thanks ER.  
What is your experience with the Spin Clean?
Thanks EYoung!   This one's $135...Does it need to be upgraded?  
What is your experience with the Spin Clean?
I'm a little confused.  Can you provide a link for the Vevor 6L Ultrasonic Digital "Pro" ? TIA  
What is your experience with the Spin Clean?
What do you mean that you built it or  245  bucks? It's not already assembled?    
What is your experience with the Spin Clean?
Awesome cp! I'm going to return it. Which US do you recommend?   
What is your experience with the Spin Clean?
Hey TJ! Do you still hear static after using the Spin Clean?    
What is the best way to clean Vinyl?
I do appreciate your input thought. Thanks Again!  
What is the best way to clean Vinyl?
What I"m frustrated with antinn is that the Spin Clean, despite the awards, doesn't improve the static or pops at all.  It remains the same. 👎  
What is the best way to clean Vinyl?
My budget is now $375 after buying the Deluxe Spin Clean. I may return it.