
Responses from jj2468

With $20,000 in your hand, what speaker would you
I'd like to suggest a little different approach. Since you are going into retirement, why not make an enjoyable journey out of it? I'm not sure a punch list of everybody's favorite will be of much help.FWIW, here is free advice and we know what fr... 
SME V, Tri-Planar or Phantom B-44 ?
Aoliviero, could you provide the link to the "Thomasheisig" thread comparing the Phantom and the Tri-Planar? Thanks. It sounds interesting.(I searched on those key words and could not retrieve it.) 
Sonus Faber Guarneri with SET amplifier -possible?
Hi. I owned the Guarneri for several years. IMHO you will get beautiful timbre with an SET with a large power supply, but transient speed and bass will be slow. If you want to give it a go, you will need an SET with a big power supply.I found good... 
Anybody not like Eichmann Gold Bullet Plugs?
I've only tried the silver one and I like it.My problem is putting too much heat into it with a soldering gun. Any tips on that? 
First Trip outside of Best Buy, a real newbie.
"The owner cranked up the volume so I am not sure it was fair, but Beethoven was totally epic with some soaring highs. I told the Kef guy that I also listened to the Maggies. He said the Maggies were too specialized and would not work as an all ar... 
First Trip outside of Best Buy, a real newbie.
As a Ph.D in music, I imagine your wife plays an instrument and/or has heard a great deal of live music. I highly recommend bringing her along for auditions. She will have a good ear.If a dealer insists on turning up the volume walk away. Its an o... 
Vinyl sounds a bit thin and slightly strident.
Johnss,Sounds interesting. Could you provide a link to a site that explains your test procedure in more detail?a) How do you measure the output voltage? By affixing a voltage meter to the rca outs of the preamp?b) What do you compare the readings ... 
Matching with Audio Note speakers
IMHO the Herron is really nice gear. But, I recommend looking into the Audio Note kits. Call Brian. He is very helpful. I built one of their dac kits (extreme version with black gates throughout) and I love it. I cannot imagine putting solid state... 
Vinyl sounds a bit thin and slightly strident.
I own a Sony 9000es SACD and I've heard many VPI Scout combinations.The problem lies elsewhere than the Scout, which is capable of much more musical output than the Sony 9000es. 1) Examine your cartridge and tonearm setup. 2) The Benz leans toward... 
K&K linestage anyone?
Oops. You said linestage and I meant phono stage. My bad. Jeff 
K&K linestage anyone?
I have one and I love it. It is the proverbial "giant killer". It is fast, transparent, neutral (to me) and most important - musical. Kevin is very helpful and helped me debug one very simple mistake I made in assembly. I would love to hear the cu... 
PS Audio premier ... any problems?
I had a lot of problems with a P1000 regenerator. I traded it in for the Premier model and I never had a problem with the Premier unit. Jeff 
3 channel tube amp for home theater?
Hi Blindjim,Checking with the maker of the Kharmas is a good idea. Why did I not think of that?Clarification: The retailer's warning was about the foregoing Sonus Faber Guarneri Homage loudspeakers (a much older design) - not about the Kharmas.Tha... 
Collecting Blue Note Jazz
My experience with vg+ vinyl is very similar to Grimace's report. Like a b+ insurance company rating, it often means its a "D" or an "F".Having said that, I've found a lot of really nice NM and NM- records on eBay in the range of $5.00 to $15.00 o... 
3 channel tube amp for home theater?
Thanks for the ongoing input. I used to own a CJ MV-60 and an LS-16 and I liked both, although for 2 channel I have migrated toward a tube system that is more neutral. I'll check out the 5 channel CJ home theater solution. I'm liking the idea of u...