
Responses from jimmy3993

Large listening room
unfortunatly, this room is doing triple duty. It is for listening, HT and a playspace for my little one.Far from ideal, I know.Basically, COmpnents are set up across one of the 16 foot walls and seating is across the other. I might be able to get ... 
CD Player with digital input?
Thanks to everyone who has responded. I tried to find a supernova in my town (because they just look so cool...) but failed.In the end, I ordered the cambridge (becaue it was a mailorder) and bought the ayre on this site even though it didnt have ... 
CD Player with digital input?
CK - will do. Once the Cambridge has done some running, I will get either an ayre if one is around or a cary and see what I can hear. 
CD Player with digital input?
Studio68 - The cary needs a good looking over too. Thanks! 
CD Player with digital input?
Ckoffend - I am new at this so I am not as articulate as many.What I noticed with the SA-10 was what I would describe as greater extension and more air in the highs. Cymbals seemed to trail off longer for instance. My best description would be to ... 
CD Player with digital input?
Not sure if anyone is reading this beside me, but...I just got finished with a stock audio opus. I kept it for 2 weeks and sent it back. I fould no real improvement over the sonos to benchmark dac sound in my system and for $3500, I needed some re... 
CD Player with digital input?
CK - Thx. found my opus rep and will give that a listen. 
Cambridge 740c or Rega Apollo with Linn and Sonus
Very true. Those outstanding reviews tend to mean that some units get sold new that maybe should not have been bought. And then in turn cheap folks like me can scoop them up used 6 months later. 
Cambridge 740c or Rega Apollo with Linn and Sonus
BTW, the full text of the hifi news shoot out review is on the cambridge website.Gbmcleod - have you had a chance to use the 840's digital audio inputs? I am looking for a new cd player and this one had digital input, meaning that I could send my ... 
CD Player with digital input?
Doug - I am doing that right now. Still dosent compete with very cheap HDDVD player from toshiba running to same benchmark. The nice thing about the benchmark is that it has 2 dig inputs so that I can run the sonos AND the dvd into it.The problem ... 
Cullen ZP-80 Mod and D-Link 3 mod
Thanks for the write up on the zp80 mod. I just added the benchmark dac1 to my system in hope of improving the zp80 experience.Are you able to A/B with a non-modded ZP80? Just curious how much of the improvement comes from the great dac that you a...