
Responses from jimmy2615

Anybody else get a NAD M66 yet?
It works.  I just tried a USB unpowered drive, plugged it into the back of the unit.  The M66 automatically indexed it without me doing anything.  About 5 minutes later it became available and playable.  The albums show up in your BluOS app on you... 
Opinions on NAD please
I was excited, waited 6 months to get one. I had bought the new M23 amp last year and was (am) very impressed with it, so I ordered an M66. I liked the M23 better than a new series Bryston amp in my system. The M66 does a lot of cool things. The D... 
Anybody else get a NAD M66 yet?
There’s a pretty comprehensive video on NAD’s website about using DIRAC I believe under the FAQ section, you might want to check that out.  But what I did was after finishing my measurements, I went to the DIRAC drop down menu, I think the option ... 
Anybody else get a NAD M66 yet?
I agree.  I’m still holding out on it in case I’m missing something or it’s still early.  I also want to make some more comparisons with another preamp.  But otherwise, I’ve come to the conclusion that if this ends up not being a great sounding an... 
Anybody else get a NAD M66 yet?
Yes, I also had to plug the mic into my laptop, the M66 wouldn’t recognize it.  Brian, wrt the DIRAC curves, did you notice the USB flash drive in the accessory box?  It has a NAD recommended curve on it.  In the DIRAC menu there’s an option to lo... 
Line Magnetic 218a vs Leben CS600 -- am I insane? (aka when good beats great)
I had the LM-845ia with Harbeth M30.2  - Best combination I’d heard, to include several SS amps and another tube amp, all played in my own system at home over long periods of time.  I originally went to the dealer looking at a Luxman Class A integ... 
Anybody else get a NAD M66 yet?
@briankwilliams does your volume control click when you spin it or is it completely silent? I have not seen a detailed manual.  They need one.  Also there’s no software update available on their website yet.  I’m sure that will be coming eventual... 
Bryston BP-17 cubed or Benchmrk LA4 Preamp
@kevemaher sorry, but I’ve got zero experience with Levinson.  If you’re looking for  warmth, I’m not sure either of these will give it to you.  I think the Bryston is even cooler sounding than the Benchmark.  
Bryston BP-17 cubed or Benchmrk LA4 Preamp
I’ve owned both as well as the 2.5B, and while I often extol the virtues of the Benchmark, I would recommend the Bryston in this case.  The Benchmark is quieter and very transparent, but the Bryston is more musical especially with the 2.5B amplifi... 
Aurender Model Choices
@jfrmusic I probably did but I’m sorry, it’s been several years since I had the N200, I honestly can’t remember too much about that specifically.  But again the DAC itself plays a large part in the quality of the USB input.  So if Benchmark recomm... 
Aurender Model Choices
Sorry, you asked what differences between the N200 and N20.  When I used the N20 AES output upsampled, driving either a Denafrips Terminator (also using its upsampling) or Mojo audio DAC, compared to the N200 the sound is cleaner, clearer, more re... 
Aurender Model Choices
I’ve had Harbeth speakers with Benchmark electronics and think it is an awesome combination.  Very synergistic.  That said, Harbeth loudspeakers are not the most revealing speakers (the monitor series are a little more so).  I think you would not ... 
Breaking (burning) in new DAC
Just play the DAC 24/7 without the downstream equipment turned on.    
The $10,000 Question
After many years I’ve settled on a combo of Primaluna and Focal Kanta loudspeakers. I also listen mostly to classical, some jazz, etc. The stand mounts (Model 1) might work for your room. The Focals are easy to drive and have a nice combination of... 
Transport Recommendations
The Alpha Audio (Dutch reviewer) recently did a shoot out of 7 or so transports, they have a video of the whole thing on their YouTube channel. There’s probably a written summary on their website too.   I like their reviews, very thorough and ofte...