
Responses from jhorton19

Wilson Sophia
Thanks dmurfet...I laughed too when she called them trash cans. It was quite a shock to see the way she changed her POV once she heard them!Regarding the comments from everyone about stretching my budget...This is just such an addictive hobby. A y... 
Wilson Sophia
Thanks everyone for your input thus far! We will make a decision shortly and will keep you posted... 
Wilson Sophia
Thanks for your input, Rcprince. The great thing about this process has been that my wife is totally on board with whatever I decide...She is an interior decorator with great taste and she initially thought the Wilsons looked like Trash Cans and t... 
Wilson Sophia
Thanks for your response, Larryi. I did find it rather amazing that the Wilson's sounded substantially more detailed at the lower volume levels. That is obviously quite important in my current listening environment. 
Help Need input-Hydra vs New Speaker Cables
I borrowed a Hydra from the Cable Company (highly recommend using them for all of your cable needs). I did not see any change in system performance....That is obviously a good thing if you do have power problems and want to return a system to its ... 
What's Audiophile CD Player?
If you are looking for that vinyl like sound, I don't think you can do better than Lector. A small Italian company but there stuff is great. I have their middle of the road model which runs about 2,000 and it is just awesome. There is great review... 
Help Need input-Hydra vs New Speaker Cables
Thanks for everyone's input. I am in a rental apartment in NYC for about a year before I buy a house in the burbs. Regarding my current cabling and interconnects, I am using Nordost Solar Wind interconnects (the dealer gave me two pairs when I bou... 
Help Need input-Hydra vs New Speaker Cables
Thanks for your input, Warren. I appreciate your help. 
The Lector CD Player- Opinions?
I just bought the CDP 05 Lector this week...I listened to both of the Naims and all of the Arcams and this player simply blew everything away...There is a warmth and space with this cd player that is simply incredible. I paid 1995 for mine in New ...