
Discussions jhold has started

Newbie help how to store and backup iTunes library37357
Does this device exist?674918
Service 4 Theta transport w/Pioneer stable platter28750
Where to buy a good quality wall wart103438
seeking dac with de-emphasis circuit42135
Tube-aholics Anonymous?1342230
Optimal digital cable length -- science or voodoo?64788
Kimber Illuminations D-60 vs. Stereovox XV2 cable81995
Help -- need Idiot's Guide to music server system1019425
New Naim CD5i-2 compared to original?72254
How to touch up nicks on edge of black faceplate?28037
Seeking mechanically QUIET CD player42473
Have you noticed that273811
What are your40737
Something better than "wall wart" for power?21432