

Discussions jfrech has started

Anyone update your BAT VK60 to SE status?41696
Did you see the BAT VK51SE ?37784
What are some great tonearm cables for SME IV.Vi33516
What's the benefit of balanced tonearm cables?968026
Can hear TV or Radio station via Phono stage ???725013
Help Bat VK60 owners...lost a channel...39345
Hydra-what cords do you use to your components?612217
What's a great univ/prog. remote for high end ?25805
Power Cond-best? Hyrda? CFX? PP? Burm 948? others?47758
Burmester 948 power conditioner86653
RCA to BNC adapters537311
Anyone ever experiment w/ better circuit breakers?370612
Bat preamp with ARC amp?32133
What's your opinion on Transparent Power cords vs48163
hum in system, ground loon? 60hz?464814