
Responses from jetter

Get your First Watt SIT-3 now?
Al, the xa25 is also an amp that hit my radar, perhaps for a future purchase. It would be appreciated, I think by more than a couple of us, if it wouldn’t be inconvenient, if from time to time you might provide progression reports of how it acquit... 
Nuforce STA200
Hi deseldin, really nice that you are enjoying the STA-200, it is a fun amp, and its funny that I believe it is the only AB amp they made, the rest being class D (AFAIK).  For me, without mrdecibel's input I wouldn't have purchased this inexpensiv... 
Who are some of elite sub woofers?
Sure, JL is elite if you consider charging your customers $300 to repair virtually new subs with known quality problems the price of "elitism". The v2 fixed the problems, time will tell.SVS has excellent cutomer service and  
Tekton Design's new THE PERFECT SET equals "goosebumps time"
kosst, even if you were right, it doesn’t matter. If you were selling speakers, I would give my business to Tekton just to not be buying them from you.  I did not always think this way. 
Tekton Double Impacts
Hi estuardo4, just an idea.  If I was in your position and out of the U.S., I think I would volunteer to pay extra and have the PS speakers boxed in a DI or similar larger box with a lot of extra packing material, or better yet, to see if the regu... 
Machina Dynamica New Dark Matter CD and Blu Ray tray treatment?
good to hear uberwaltz.  Now that I know he is ok, its kind of nice not having to hear about his wire directionality mumbo jumbo.LOL 
Integrated Amps - Ayre vs Pass Labs
There is also the kinki Studio EX-M1 discussed here on Agon and having a stellar review by 6 Moons, which I also have no experience with but they gushed over it. 
Machina Dynamica New Dark Matter CD and Blu Ray tray treatment?
Four days without a post anywhere by Geoff, what's up with that?  
Buchardt s400
There is a fellow called z who did a you tube review on them who said they do not sound good in the nearfield. 
Integrated Amps - Ayre vs Pass Labs
I haven’t heard any of these integrated amps , but there has been so much positive written about the Luxmans I wonder why you are not considereing them also? 
Tekton Design's new THE PERFECT SET equals "goosebumps time"
I don't understand the $300 "trial fee" mentioned above and a $400 fee mentioned in other post about the DI.  Do you actually pay Tekton for the trial or is that just the returned speakers shipping cost you pay Fedex or UPS? 
Recommendation on power amp
Correction, twoleftears, if they are too informative for you and one or two others to process their content stick with the posts you are interested in. A lot of us find they provide insight into equipment matching and quality. As I said above, you... 
Recommendation on power amp
dznutz, I’m 100% in agreement about the helpful posts of Audiotroy. I think what you will find is that those posting against them are jealous of Audio Doctor’s business success and equipment knowledge.Their "protecting us against the evil salesmen... 
Krell XD gear in the House Initial Impressions
oddiofyl, Audio Doctor is not of the one trick pony variety. They provide valuable knowledge of gear and systems building. They have more to share than to write the same message repeatedly. 
Tekton Design's new THE PERFECT SET equals "goosebumps time"
Cap.... "In "My" opinion if Tekton wants to promote their line with no distributor distribution. They should offer a PAID hotel stay, or fuel reimbursement to and from any owner or place that may have Tekton speakers to listen and demo." Cap, th...