
Responses from jetter

Going linear - The Luxman 507ux
Take what I say with a grain of salt, I haven't heard any of the equipment being discussed.But it looks like yyzsantabarbara favors higher resolving speakers such as the LS50 and 3F, and is choosing class A for its subtle excess of warmth sound ov... 
Going linear - The Luxman 507ux
Thanks riaa for the rundown.  Eirk,, I know you are not a pass fan, and I don't want to hijack your thread at all, so just one question for riaa.  The XA25 may be my next amp, probably unheard in advance but on a trial basis from Reno hifi.  So ri... 
Going linear - The Luxman 507ux
riaa, I will be interested in your opinion of the 590 should you purchase it. What amp/pre are you using now? 
Some Strange Behavior From a Hegel 360
easterna, it would really help in understanding your problem and solution if you would answer mboldda's question above.  Thanks 
Review on Tekton Design Perfect Set Speaker just went live on Six
I would be curious if anyone has compared the 12’ and the 15’ speakers? 
Supratek or Don Sachs - which way to go?
Old potentially outdated information, but as I remember from years ago, when Suprateks needed warranty work Mick would decide if he needed to repair the item himself in Australia or if a tech local to the owner could fix it at Mick's expense.Feel ... 
Supratek or Don Sachs - which way to go?
mesch and grphongryph, here are 3,688 posts in one thread as an introduction to Supratek.  It is the definitive thread.  They are nice looking for sure. 
Supratek or Don Sachs - which way to go?
The internal layout of Supratek was never considered a secret to those of us ever considering or purchasing the brand. There has been no secrets uncovered here, the OP asked for opinions, and opinions were given. Frankly, Mick’s preamps have recei... 
Is it common for tubes to outweigh the cost of the amp or preamp?
go with the flow man. 
Supratek or Don Sachs - which way to go?
I think cel might be. Mick probably had more free advertising via A’gon zealot members posts than any. They seem to have faded into the woodwork. 
Should an amp have a "personality"?
andy2, I am not sure why you say tube amps cost "too much".  Its my experience that they are no more expensive, in general, than SS amps.  You can go to the extremes in all types of amps.  
Preamp Advice
gguy, sounds like you have a great system and I guess I disagree with millercarbon.  If you buy an integrated you are locked into the preamp and amp, without the flexibility of updating one or the other to suit your taste.  I like your A21 and hop... 
Supratek or Don Sachs - which way to go?
celandar….."To me, the warranty is something that should not be ignored when evaluating equipment. Too bad all reputable manufacturers don’t stand behind their products like Supratech apparently does."Agree with you, which equipment have you purch... 
Proac Ribbon Tweeters Damaged
Hi gnoworyta, you can go to the Aurum Cantus website and see every spec you could want for the Aurum Cantus tweeter pnb recommended.  Unfortunately there is no information online for the G2SE that you mentioned the Proac uses..  Did you happen to ... 
Display off- any benefit?
I have the same on several components, truth be told, I think its a bit of BS.I also now wish my preamp had balance, treble, mid and bass controls or any combo thereof. No longer buy the 'it degrades if in the signal path" BS.