
Responses from jetter

Game Changing Tweak
@fleschler  I agree with MillerCarbon more often and rarely with of the naysayers. Yea, that's about the way I imagine a lot of us think of you, a MC clone.  And I like PPT products. 
Replacing driver screws with brass screws
well Tom, I hope that roxy54 will become one of your customer base if he/she is not already.. 
Margin on speaker sales by high end dealer
Not so sure I see a negative intent of the Ops post that a few of you are implying.  Give it a rest! 
Replacing driver screws with brass screws
Roxy, I think deep down inside you know that any difference you hear from using a different metallurgy screw is just really your need for attention from us that you aren’t getting from your "real" life.Get a grip pilgrim. 
Replacing driver screws with brass screws
Actually, in my opinion, if I was a new audiophile looking for an interesting website to read about the experiences of other audiophiles and I came across this thread, I would seriously consider not visiting this site again. 
Not sure of term but I notice some distortion/vibration coming out the speaker port?
Check that the glue holding the plastic insert port piece to the speaker has not dried out and the plastic piece is not vibrating against the port hole of the speaker. 
My #@%$ Cat Destroyed My ARC REF 5SE. Soliciting Suggestions.
I may have missed it, what was the resolution, fix the preamp, buy a used one, other? 
No Improvement With Transparent Reference RCA Interconnects For Naim NDX 2 Streamer
paul, just my opinion, I would get out from under these cables and just ask for a refund.  Not because of the brand, as I have never heard a Transparent cable, but even if the tuning was off, how much better can they be? 
No Improvement With Transparent Reference RCA Interconnects For Naim NDX 2 Streamer
Paul, I wish you did not wait for 600 hours for break in.  I would think 24 hours or less would have given you their basic sound signature, anything from there being subtle.  I hope your dealer gives you a decent refund on these now used cables. 
I sold a CAL Aria Tube CD player and buyer claims a burning smell
My story, saw a pair of Museatex Meitner monoblocks which come in beautiful rosewood cases on ebay. Answered the ad and seller texted me his phone number from his workplace, such email address having the name of his company. We talked and he said ... 
2020 quest for stereo amp with DAC for about 1000 USD
On the other hand, you could find a used Nuforce STA200 amp which Audio Advisor just seems to have discontinued selling (for $499 new) and use the rest to buy a nice Schitt, or other DAC of your choice.  Both units combined take up about as much r... 
Anyone have feedback on Audiogon's Insider membership?
I am very interested in Wolf's A-list material.  Remind me, who is Wolf? 
Companies that repair/refinish speaker cabinets?
I’m sorry to hear that. I hope someone here can provide some information that will help you out. I thought I read that it was the seller’s responsibility to ship the product to you undamaged and that he would need to cover repairs. But again, I am... 
Companies that repair/refinish speaker cabinets?
Wondering why you can't just send them back to seller and get a new pair hopefully not damaged?  Or was it a private party sale? 
Too good a post to waste
millercarbon, I am going to tell you how it is. A number of us have been on this site for many years. We have a history together. I have been mostly a silent member until a year or two ago. I am a CPA and do not have a background in electricity an...