
Responses from jetter

How do I remove the woofer from ads 300 speaker?
If the above advice doesn't work, is there a piece in back holding the speaker terminals that can be unscrewed and moved aside so you can push the woofer out? 
Initial impressions of my new Vandersteen Quatro's in Audi Havana Black
Quatro CT = CT SoonerCoincidence? Prophecy?Congratulations, I am really glad you love your new speakers. I have followed your postings for a long time and can only imagine what a relief it is to have your dream speakers. 
Primare A32 front panel-rapidly flashing standby indicator light
Great to hear.  Enjoy. Audience having a lifetime warranty, not unlike the long Bryston and Odyssey warranties is so nice.  You don't think much about it until something happens.  And these companies seem to put "honor" in honoring their warrantie... 
Primare A32 front panel-rapidly flashing standby indicator light
If you had a bad speaker wire, was that not the problem?  It sounds like out of coincidence both the speaker wire and amp were bad unless constantly needing to adjust the speaker wire broke the cables? 
Synergistic Red Fuse ...
O'papa, I would wish you luck but you are not going to need it.  You'll be asking for your laptop to see what going on at the A'gon before you know it.  George   
“Invest” in Tekton?
FYI, several Amazon stores are blowing out prior year model of SVS SB12-NSD that listed for $680 for $400.  Very good subs. 
“Invest” in Tekton?
ROI is a standard financial term with a well defined meaning.  I assumed you meant enjoyment per dollars invested, but can see others thinking you wanted to ensure that if you didn't like what you purchased you wanted as high a return (smallest lo... 
Tekton Double Impacts Ordered Jan 3, 2017 and NOTHING
corelli,You keep referring to my agenda. Lets look at this a little closer. You have 70 posts starting in Dec 2016, of which 67 consecutive ones are praising Tekton DI’s. Sheds a light on who the person is with an agenda, N’est-ce pas?No, you do n... 
Tekton Double Impacts Ordered Jan 3, 2017 and NOTHING
And by the way, you may not have noticed, but I did not come on all gloom and doom on a post where the OP was singing the praises about his great transaction.  Maybe you should reread what caused this thread to be written in the first place. 
Tekton Double Impacts Ordered Jan 3, 2017 and NOTHING
Actually, I do not have an axe to grind. But I also do not need to act blind and ignore what I have read here from people with less than stellar experiences. You miss the point of Audiogon, to write about good and bad products, and good and bad ex... 
Tekton Double Impacts Ordered Jan 3, 2017 and NOTHING
It was also bad timing when Tektons were being shipped out with woofers with cones that did not match in color.  And when new models that may have been more suitable  to a customer's needs dribbled out without notice to the persons buying other mo... 
“Invest” in Tekton?
Hi kdude66, a fan boy is a person who purchases a product and becomes an avid promoter.  
hi jughead, your post above is confusing.  You mention that resale isn't that bad, but the numbers you quote would indicate if you bought them new you would have taken a bath on their resale.Or are you talking  about if you buy them used and then ... 
“Invest” in Tekton?
kdude66, you have crossed over to the dark side.  You are a fan boy. 
Vibration control inside a cabinet
Geoff, I know you will correct me, but your argument is based on the fact that in the process of pulling the wire through the die the crystals get damaged, that is, the damage forms a directional bias.  The passage of protons and electrons are imp...