

Responses from jerryg123

Streamer matching to system
What @audphile1 said.  
Ditching Class A Amps due to Heat - Sort of a Poll
@erik_squires Yep had an old Bel Canto that was Ice Powered I think it sounded better than that NAD. Cheers.   
Network Acoustics Eno Streaming System vs SGC Optical Isolation System
@arafiq this is what I am using, and you will need to pick up an extra cable.     
Denafrips 12 anniversary
Oh boy.............    
Network Acoustics Eno Streaming System vs SGC Optical Isolation System
Check this out: $69.00         j   
Why do my rolling stones albums sound bad?
Let It Bleed is okay.   
Ditching Class A Amps due to Heat - Sort of a Poll
Well, I just have to say this to our friends in DC about my Class A amps.     
Ditching Class A Amps due to Heat - Sort of a Poll
@erik_squires I did not find the sound coming out of that M-10 as good! That was the unit I sold.   
Ditching Class A Amps due to Heat - Sort of a Poll
@ghasley do not get those batteries wet in your car. Also, I have a fried with solar in his home and he is still battling noisy power in his system when on battery power??  I never have to worry about losing power due to being on the same grid as... 
Ditching Class A Amps due to Heat - Sort of a Poll
I tried and ended up moving the GaN and a Purfi amp to a secondary system and one to my daughter's condo. Just not for me, maybe one day.  I actually have a Heed Elixir in my office that runs cooler than the NAD-M10 I had in my office. Must be th... 
Hi-end audio is a big zero
@lalitk x1000 on room treatments.   
Hi-end audio is a big zero
There still are @chayro and that is how I have purchased the last 5 pieces of gear in the past 2 years. You just need to find them.  Last 2 pieces were in my system for 2 weeks before I made the decision and dealer never bothered me once while I w... 
Denafrips 12 anniversary
Denafrips 12 anniversary
Very partial to my LessLoss DAC built in Lithuania gorgeous sound and craftsmanship.    https://www.lessloss.com/echos-end-p-218.html  
Combination streamer and music server…without DAC
Not a fan of the shameless promotion when we have run other people off this forum for being shills and peddlers. He should take an ad out on this site.  Most other dealers on this forum have the integrity to refrain from posting on threads like ...