

Responses from jerryg123

What are your favorite "HOT" songs?
What are your favorite "HOT" songs?
Am I a hopeless audio snob?
VPI, Clearaudio, SOTA, Origin….. I really like Clearaudio, Ovation that is in my system now.   
What are some of your favorite "COLD" songs?
@mitchagain The Rock and Roll Doctor….  
What are some of your favorite "COLD" songs?
Suggestions: Interesting small speakers with flexible placement
@akg_ca you seem to like these Triangle Speakers ???????????  
Suggestions: Interesting small speakers with flexible placement
I am betting it is 500 cubic feet.  
Never Spend More On Cables Than Your Equipment Cost$$$$$$$$$$
Food for thought. Just don't have to cash in the kids 529 plan. https://positive-feedback.com/audio-discourse/snake-oil-and-the-velocity-of-propagation/    
Pathos Classic - What Can I Expect As It Breaks In?
Oh just wait you’re going to love it.   
Never Spend More On Cables Than Your Equipment Cost$$$$$$$$$$
Got it. Yep that's the case quite a bit around here.    
Never Spend More On Cables Than Your Equipment Cost$$$$$$$$$$
Well that is silly but it's your money, your choice. And what have you spent on your room acoustics? Not even $400.00    
Would my system benefit from cable upgrades?
As others have stated your room is a huge factor. You will net better results than spending $$$$$ on copper and silver and... @mesch and @jjss49 are right. More insight. https://www.hifi-advice.com/blog/audiophile-insights/generic-insights/ro... 
Would my system benefit from cable upgrades?
Read this first. Then decide. I think quality cables that are reasonably priced are the route to go. https://www.passlabs.com/technical_article/speaker-cables-science-or-snake-oil/    
Never Spend More On Cables Than Your Equipment Cost$$$$$$$$$$
If I were @russ69 I would send you home to think about it.   
How much “suspension of disbelief do you need?”
I just enjoy the the wonderful music and consider how blessed I am to have this system. I enjoy the escape and let the music wash over me. Forgetting about this messed up world for a little bit.