
Responses from jerry_gt3rs

In the middle of a pandemic, Stereophile reviews ~ $30K equipment
I think that this is a bit of "the pot calling the kettle"....I am quite certain that 99% of the American public feel that spending even $1K on a stereo is insane and if you spread the group to a global level, the percentage might be even higher... 
To integrate or not...
infection,   I was previously using Boulder 2000 series separates which were wonderful. I sold them and decided to simplify my system and purchased the Octave after listening to a handful of options in my dedicated room. I do not have a black box,... 
To integrate or not...
Infection, I have made the switch from very high quality separates to the Octave V80se and I am very pleased with the sound. The V80se is powerful enough to drive my Q3s which are rated at 92db in a fairly large room effortlessly. Considering the ... 
Need Integrated Amp with Moving Coil Input
Dylanfan, I have the V80se and I love it. I use the battery powered Nagra pho pre and it sounds wonderful. It drives my Magico Q3s in a fairy large room to more than acceptable levels without any strain. I think my MC cartridge has about a .5v out... 
Song (or music) you want played at your funeral.
"wish you werre here" 
Soliciting Member Perspectives: Levinson vs Bryston vs Audio Research
I have owned lots of ML stuff, including the rear stuff from way back when. I found it well built,reliable but while it seemed " accurate" it never had as much soul or musicality as I look for today. I also owned a AR SP 10 which was at the other ... 
Why the facination with integrated amps?
After decades of separates, some of the highest quality, I have recently moved to an integrated as well. While the original reasons were to some degree economic and space related, I was still not willing to compromise on sound quality. I ended up ... 
Hey RICH Audiophiles
whart1,  I do not know him specifically but I have heard of the shop. We only do mechanical work here, although the Roadster is here for a full reassembly. It came to us pretty much as a shell along with about a dozen unlabeled boxes along with 2... 
Hey RICH Audiophiles
FWIW, I happen to own a Porsche only repair facility so I know of what I speak. At the moment we are working on a few interesting ones. 1960 356 rRadster1997 993 Turbo S1995 Techart yellow trouble1988 959 Komfort1972 911S1971 911T2015 Supercup fac... 
What are the best speakers you have ever owned and why?
Since 1975,,in no particular order:Lafayette somethingsMicro Acoustic Klipsch CornwallKlipschhornsML Monolith with active crossoversB&W 802 NautilusRevel Ultima Salon 1Wilson Maxx 2Magico Q3Needless to say, I am sure that I am forgetting more ... 
Hey RICH Audiophiles
need turntable setup recommendation in New England
I purchased a table and 2cartridges from Goodwins and Jim did the set up each time. He did a great job both times. He also installed and assembled the table and arm. There was no charge for this service from Goodwins  but I did compensate Jim for ... 
My first Tube Amplifier
My first bit of tube gear was a AR SP10  that was gifted to me by one of my very kind and generous clients. I had no idea just how good it was, but when he offered it to me as "an old preamp that he had in his basement" I graciously accepted. It c... 
This is juvenile...
perhaps...Sarah McLachlan... 
Restored Fisher 400 - impressed
A few years ago, I inherited an old Fisher 100b that my dad owned back in the 60s. I too had it refurbished and was amazed at how good is sounded. Sure, it was not the last word with high end extension and with 30 watts  could not rock the casbah ...