

Responses from jeffseight

For Innuos owners
I was advised to keep all solid state gear on 24/7 except a Class A amp.  DAC, Streamer, CD players all stay on unless you are worried about preserving tubes.   
Advice on Speaker upgrade vs System Component Upgrade
The SF Amator Electa 3 or the Guarneri  seem to be more logical in the smaller room. Franco Serblin makes a Standpoint too. Did you say what your digital side consists of?  
The Best Tweak?
Here is my theory on appreciation of music. If a person is tense, irritable or just distracted their auditory senses are closed off to some degree.   If a person is relaxed by alcohol or drugs  his system opens up to take in the full range of... 
Audio Research amp repair in New Jersey/New York
I noticed during the most recent Youtube video at AR Commissioner Gordon walked thru the expanded office in MN. Only one service tech on hand. There were two when I toured the facility 1 1/2 years back.  If you are getting all bent out of shape... 
Can you have too much speaker presence?
As I see it there is "Large Speaker" sound and "Small speaker" sound. The difference primarily being the chest impact a 15" speaker makes when it moves a higher volume of air than a 6" speaker can. I enjoy my 2 way speakers supplemented with su... 
Anybody have personal experience with a Troles Graveson Subs?
OCD Mikey had used GR Research subs for sale. Check with him.  
Luxman L-509Z Integrated Amplifier
Of course it is possible but the warranty may be voided.  
Conrad Johnson Classic 120se vs. Cary Audio Design CAD120 MKII?
Blue T, With these last pieces of info about your setup I would go back to Conrad Johnson. I do not think any retailer will give you a free two week home trial. If unsure buy used and unload it if not happy.   If you want to make a trek up t... 
Best Class D GaNFET Amp Comparison. Who to invite?
Sadly the room I was told I could use at the PNW Audiofest ended up not being available. The event could still be held easily enough. I have access to Peachtree, Orchard, Mola Mola.  People in the thread offered to bring all the others. However ... 
Amps for Joseph Audio Pulsar 2 Graphene's?
I would inquire with Jeff Joseph for his opinion.  This guy consistently has the best sound at shows so why not consult with someone with a proven track record?      
DAC Under $3000
Here is one I am eyeballing that fits the budget:   Weiss 204 $2,900.  Reviewers are gaga over this DAC du jour. Gotta get in line now though.   The ANK 4.1x can be bought in kit form for $3k and assembled for $3.5k. It uses 4 tubes and an ... 
SET Lovers, what's the one solid state amp you love(d)?
Best SS I have heard: JMF Audio -French, pricey. Only time I heard a Harbeth 40.2 sound good Pass Labs - Okay I own one. Built well. USA made. First Watt would also work Luxman- These amps make anything sound great. Aavik- Class D at its best.   
Conrad Johnson Classic 120se vs. Cary Audio Design CAD120 MKII?
I owned the Cary 120 MKII for a couple years. Paired with an Audible Illusions Pre and older Tannoy FSMs the sound was warm and engaging. I thought I was done. When I had to take the Cary in for something-and there is always something with tub... 
What speaker could safely be ordered without hearing it first?
There are dozens of great sounding speakers when paired with the right amp/dac etc. Some speakers almost everyone likes: Joseph is at the head of the line. Falcon LS3 Kef Ref 5 Borresen  Mofi Fritz Carrera 7 BE ATC 50s Vimberg Clarysis ... 
How Do Amps Affect Soundstage?
I finally heard an amp paired with the 40.2 that actually made me want to sit and listen. The JFM. Sadly they don't give them away.