

Responses from jeffseight

Alterra Anyone?
I saw that movie!! A true cult favorite isn't it?    
Where can I hear classic horns in southern california?
Join an audio group  
Alterra Anyone?
Whoops! My bad. Altaira by Shunyata. Ground control to major tong!  
Previous Ownership...does it matter to you?
If you want higher SQ for the $ then  buy used. Assuming there is a limit to your budget of course otherwise you can spend away! Most of the time once you have zeroed in on your desired item you can find one used, with a transferable warranty, 2... 
Ideon DAC's
Who buys a DAC/Streamer if spending over $2k?  
What is the current retail cost of your reference system?
hysteve, My history tracks somewhat the same as yours both in the original and the new. Funny how these things work sometimes. The more interesting thing is comparing where people did and did not allocate money. Few mentioned the room. Everyon... 
What is the current retail cost of your reference system?
A better question would be: How much do you spend on average each year on gear?   Regarding my system here is what I will share. My mentor of the past 3 years came over for a listen and said-"I can't believe you have put together a system that... 
Preamp Recommendations For the Parasound JC 5 Amp
Why not ask John Curl?  
What I wish I knew before starting my audiophile journey
I would add - -find a veteran mentor and listen carefully to what they say -be patient or you will waste money -Fix the room before you spend too much $ on gear -Buy nothing without a trial period If you follow all those guides you will not m... 
I want more bass…
Bass Counts!!  Are those speakers bi-ampable? If so buy a Class D ganfet and power them. Better strategy is to buy 4 good subs and power them with another amp.  
Speaker of My House…!
Cal me the Majority whip! Bass counts in many ways people do not always seem to get. All the speakers you mention are excellent. Many of the suggested speakers are as well. So why is your system lacking something? No subs. Before you buy any ... 
Au revoir, MHDT Orchid, you're a great DAC but...
I use a Solid state INT and a Tube DAC that is R2R and has a chip. I like that tube influence but doubling it is more than I want to deal with. Keep us posted on the new dac.  
Audiophile sound quality from a more "mainstream" company?
For Speakers I would look into Sony For electronis- yamaha and technics these better products do not come cheap.   Domestic- Van Alstine for amps, etc Speakers- i won't use the "T" word.  Too new anyway. Klipsch heritage or??    
Solving the "complex music problem"?
I wondered about this issue as well. No actual name that I have read. If you consider that in symphonic music live you hear each instrument  however in a two channel stereo you hear only on instrument ,the driver, it seem obvious that the two ca... 
Yggdrasil OG dac anologue 2 possible problem
Schiit gear it known for odd sounds. Good luck!