A bad situation | jeffloistarca | 5431 | 23 | |
Which Solid State amp 2k used? Krell? | rhyno | 5778 | 14 | |
Reasonably priced 25 Balanced IC s? | ton1313a7e4 | 2513 | 2 | |
NAD remote replacement? | jimv | 3222 | 2 | |
Which BAT preamp? | john_l | 11436 | 7 | |
I promised myself I'd never do this | beemer | 3396 | 9 | |
Very strange interruption, ideas? | gmkowal5c1a | 2188 | 3 | |
Cheater plugs with amplifiers? | tom_munro | 4826 | 8 | |
Isolation for turntables | sayas | 3885 | 10 | |
Speaker brackets, Turntable shelf | jeffloistarca | 2487 | 2 | |
HT Gear solved, thanks all who helped! | jeffloistarca | 2841 | 3 | |
Audiophile considering HT | chaskelljr2001 | 3634 | 17 | |
Any harm in leaving gear in the cold? | jeffloistarca | 2304 | 5 | |
Presets for Magnum Dyanlab FT-11 | jeffloistarca | 2335 | 2 | |
"hey throat" from a live rock concert | zootallures | 2498 | 6 | |