

Responses from jedinite24

Have you spoken to Nordhost to get suggestions or their thoughts as to where the ICs you want should be placed in the signal chain? I'm always curious to know what the manufacturer's think. 
McCormack DNA-1 Problem. Help, please
Hi DrjayCan you check all the fuses in the DNA-1? When I purchased a DNA-1 from a reputable seller and when I powered it up it had a red light. A fuse was blown when they were testing it before it was shipped to me. Normally when a McCormack DNA-1... 
Do headphones requiere break-in?
Hi TiofelonFrom perusing threads in HeadFi various headphones do benefit from break-in according to the users there. With each set of cans it is different. I say give it about 50 to 100 hours. There is a video on youtube of 12 hours of white noise... 
Ohm Walsh speakers; Anyone have any experience
Does anyone have any experience using Ohm Walsh 2 speakers for home theater use only? I'm re-doing my HT set-up and was thinking about using the Ohm Walsh 2s for the main front channels. Power would be provided by a Class D Audio amp that was buil... 
Burning in a new DAC
Thanks Krell_Man for chiming in. After a week's worth of pink noise I'm going to switch things up. I've got lots of different hard rock and electronic music to run through the gear. 
Burning in a new DAC
So is it ok to just use pink noise to break-in ICs, DACs and preamps? If one is just using pink noise only to break-in ICs how many hours with just the Pink Noise before the cables are broken in? Right now I'm breaking in some Morrow Audio ICs and... 
How to choose the kind of cables for your system?
Hi ClarrieThere are some that say 10 to 15% of what your system costs or what it's MSRP was is what should be spent on cabling for your system.For me since my gear is mid range budget gear I bought cabling according to that. I also checked the A'g... 
Does anyone still miss the old Audiogon format?
I do miss the old format as well. It was a lot easier to leave feedback when you completed a transaction. There was the step by step process. Now when a sale completes it is more of a chore to leave feedback. Before it felt a lot more seemless. An... 
Anyone using Speltz Anti cables XLRs
Hi DefrideThanks for sharing your thoughts/experience on the Speltz XLRs. One last set of questions. Where did you find them most beneficial in your system? From Source to Preamp or Preamp to Amp? Normally I like to use the same brand of cable in ... 
Tube pre amp problem?? Help??
I'm curious now. What was the problem with the Dared preamp? Also RW is one of the good guys. I think he was just trying to be funny. 
Ohm Acoustics Walsh F-5015 speakers
Hi SpacerDefinitely share with us your thoughts on the F-5015s. I'm not in the market for them yet but I'm sure lots of members here will be interested as the Ohm Fs have a great following in general. 
Emotiva or SVS subwoofer for home theater?
With that much Emotiva gear Ollie they should have given you an XREF sub for free. I've read good things about HSU, Emotiva and SVS subs. Since you have a lot of Emotiva gear already just get the XREF sub to complete the set. If you don't like it ... 
Anyone using Speltz Anti cables XLRs
Anyone use Speltz Anti cable XLRs between source and preamp and care to share their thoughts on them? 
Great Rock Tracks With Piano?
I don't know if this song counts but I really always enjoy November Rain by Guns N Roses. 
Does Anyone Have a Traveling System?
My travelling system consists of a NuForce UDAC-2, Belkin USB cable and a pair of Sony MDR-V6 headphones with the improved pads. Good sounding to me and my budget was not killed.