
Responses from jea48

Which to turn on first...Amp or preamp?
If your tube preamp has a mute switch make sure to switch it to mute before turning the preamp off.====Turn on any input equipment you will be using, CDP, ect. When you turn on the preamp leave the switch in mute, then turn on the power amp. Wait ... 
Small gauge ground wire, is it OK?
Where`d you get this 1/2 brained idea?[Porziob] You would be surprised how many cable companies out there are selling home made power cords, cables, that are not UL listed. Making your own is one t... 
Surge in Electric Bill
Take a look at your power bill and see what your total khw (kilowatt hour) useage was for the month with the Cary SLI-80 used. Compare the bill with the month before, or a couple of months before. Also check the number of days in the billing cycle... 
Soldering cable ends for AC terminations
>>"and unaffected by nearby nuclear explosions, where solder would be melted by X-rays."<<[Eldartford]>>>>>>>Eldartford, is it true that the Russians used vacuum tubes in their military equipment instead of transis... 
Soldering cable ends for AC terminations
Eldartford, I agree with your post 100%. The method you describe was used in TVs for years, and found in some audio equipment as well.As you know the old tube audio gear of the pre circuit board, the wire was held securely around a post or through... 
Soldering cable ends for AC terminations
>>"Solder is bad period"<< [Mapleleafs3]>>>>>>>>>>>>Name me an electronic component out there that is not full of it! Solder that is.....Solder is the electrical bonding agent that holds all the elec... 
preamp tube hiss from my SF Line 1
Snipes, curiosity killed the cat!! How about an update.....Jim 
preamp tube hiss from my SF Line 1
>>"Jea48: You wrote: "If you put back in the three tubes you had pulled before the hiss, and you still have it, then I think that eliminates the tubes from the equations." I'm not following you. If I put the same tubes back in and the hiss i... 
preamp tube hiss from my SF Line 1
Just grabbing at straws here, but is there a chance you may have a cold solder joint on one of the tube socket terminals caused when changing out the tubes? If you put back in the three tubes you had pulled before the hiss, and you still have it, ... 
Tube testers for 6922, 12ax7, etc, etc,
>>"I would like to spend around $200 for a simple to use tester."<<>>>>>>>>>>Sometimes you can pick up a B&K 707 for around $200 on Ebay.Also the B&K 606 is a nice little tube tester. Easy to use a... 
Audio Tweak gone bad...similar experiences?
Bearotti,1982, 1982, if I remember here in the USA we were in the mist of a recession. Of course you would of been to young to remember. Inflation was starting to raise it's ugly head, commodity prices were soaring. Copper prices were soaring as w... 
AC polarity question
Chris I forgot to give you Bob Crump's (now deseased) Audio Asylum user name, it is "rcrump".Sean 
Audio Tweak gone bad...similar experiences?
Cdc, With all due respect I must strongly disagree with your premise. He was using the penny on top of his right speaker. Last time I checked speakers are still an analog device. Though some times called digital ready, confusing.....Any way after ... 
AC polarity question
>>"1. Why does AC mains polarity affect sound of an audio gear?"<<>>>>>>>>>>It is very important, it can effect the sonics of a piece of equipment. If the AC polarity is reversed it also can cause hum when... 
Audio Tweak gone bad...similar experiences?
I have found NOS pennies from the 50s work the best. Early 60s NOS pennies are ok, but anything newer you are just wasting your money. Just my 2 cents....