
Responses from jea48

Sub blowing Christmas lights?
Al as a rule a fuse will not add protection, blow, in an over voltage situation. I could see bulbs burning out due to over voltage....The bulbs I assume are a filament type purely a resistive load, I = E/R. I would agree the current will spike wit... 
Sub blowing Christmas lights?
I assume the fuses are installed in fuse holders built into the plug of the light string.The only thing I can think of is heat generated from poor contact pressure of the receptacle contacts against the plug contacts. Does the plug fit loose in th... 
how long can you leave a CDP on 'pause'?
Musicslug,Not sure if you can burn your CDs on a computer and insert tracks (markers) without any interruptions in the music, but you can with a stand alone CDR recorder. 
Advice on RFI with a new integrated amp
Marty,If the DNM speaker cable is acting as an antenna , in your situation, parallel wire (Zip cord) will more than likely do the same thing. Read page 11You will need to use twisted pair cable. You might check Radio Shack for some cheap cable and... 
Advice on RFI with a new integrated amp
Marty,Might be a waste of your time but I would go to HD or Best Buy and buy some cheap twisted pair speaker cable and see if it solves your problem. Flat ribbon speaker cable is prone to RFI,... works as a good antenna.Another thing to check out ... 
how long can you leave a CDP on 'pause'?
my CDP (SCD-1) has a very slow fast forward; if I'm listening to a long piece without 'chapters'I'm listening to a long piece without 'chapters'Example of, please...... CD/s?You could copy your CD/s on CD-Rs and lay down your own chapters (tracks)... 
Advice on RFI with a new integrated amp
Marty, Is this your speaker cable? 
Advice on RFI with a new integrated amp
Not all ferrites are the same.Marty if you try ferrites on your speaker cables and or power cord make sure you install them as close as possible at the entry point of the amp. 
Advice on RFI with a new integrated amp
Hi Al,You are probably right but if Marty has some ferrite beads it won't cost him anything to try them on the speaker cables and or the power cord. Maybe the radio tower transmitting antenna is close to where Marty lives..... Or maybe it is a hi-... 
Advice on RFI with a new integrated amp
Marty,You might try some clamp-on ferrite beads on the power cord of the amp and on the speaker cables. You never answered how long the speaker cables are....RFI Tips And TricksQuote from Link:AUDIO AMPLIFIERSIt's quite likely that the audio ampli... 
Advice on RFI with a new integrated amp
So the shorting caps didn't address the RFI, even when in the phono stage. Would the next step be swapping out the moving coil stage and putting back in the other piece (I am not sure what its is called -- I think internal jumper? If so, who can d... 
Cap voltage
Why 600v when the pre only puts out about 2v. Don't smaller voltages sound better? Lewhite 2 Vac signal... What is the DC power supply voltage applied to the plate of the output tubes? The caps block the DC voltage from the power amp's inputs. 
Advice on RFI with a new integrated amp
I am currently consideringshorting terminators on the phono, and other output pots and found some terminators online (audiophilia article).Do not install shorting plugs on the outputs. Ok on the inputs.... At first I thought it might be my changin... 
How to connect Phono Stage from vintage receiver
Almonduck, Something else you may want to try,... reversing the non polarized plug of the marantz 180 degrees in the electrical receptacle outlet. One direction should be quieter than the other. Noise, hum and AC polarity. 
How to connect Phono Stage from vintage receiver
TT >>> to Marantz phono input >>> Tape out of Marantz >>> to line in input of integrated amp.Marantz receiver input selector set to phono for tape out.Make sure volume control on receiver is turned all the way down to pr...