
Responses from jdub071

Disco...yep, I'm going there
If you have not already, check out Random Access Memories by Daft Punk---they would have loved it in Studio 54--has a few too many bathtub farts though! 
Disco...yep, I'm going there
Hate to see people put down disco--to each his own. I like reggae, jazz,both electronic and acoustic, c;assic rock, Beethoven, Tchaichovsky, Mozart and other classical and just about any other genre and oh yes, I have a blu-ray of Saturday Nite Fe... 
Vindication at Last!
This forum has been running April Fools articles on high-end speaker cablesĀ  forever even though it's not April Fools. 
Beware of the cable claiming long burn in period.
I think in 300 hours of burn-in what happens is your head burns in--if you want to get scientific about it one would need a double blind test--check out audioholics on youtube. A signal is a signal! 
Hey RICH Audiophiles
I'm an old guy on fixed income and if I want to critically listen without room interference I put on my trusty Sennheiser HD600's and I don't complain about not having a 50K system. 
How good's your hearing
I'm 73 years old and I'm sure I'm deficient. But let me pose a question for you experts out there. I just googled up the highest frequencies of both flute and violin and they are around 600hz--just north of that for violin at 659. This begs the qu... 
The awakening...
As long as we're strolling down memory lane, my early teen years were the late fifties when transistors mobilized your music and one could take his tiny[relatively speaking] transistor radio with and listen to Elvis, Dion,The Platters, Bill Haley ... 
The awakening...
Sounds like you've reached enlightenment [audio wise]. It's called surrender [to the music].My favorite system is an Emotiva Bas-x A-100 which was called by someone on this forum a lower, mid-fi amp{this is the stuff that turns me off on these for... 
Just getting started on a budget and need bookshelf speakers/receiver now
new bas-x a100 emotiva receiver has dac, phono preamp am-fm tuner, 50 wpc amp that will blow away that older nad stuff in its price range for 399 bucks on amazon pair it with whatever floats your boat out there for 300 bucks a pair and there is yo... 
Just getting started on a budget and need bookshelf speakers/receiver now
emotiva bas-x ta-100 is a tuner, dac, amp and has phono pre-amp that is as good as separates w/50 wpc at 20-20k into 8 ohms at .08 thd for 399 bucks will probably beat the NAD depending on what you pair it with. 
Drink of choice for serious listening?
Drink whatever blows your skirt up but have a little cannabis with it for the best in listening pleasure. 
Which band IS really America's Greatest (rock & roll band)?
to n80 wikipedia is never wrong is a bold statement--believe what you want but I respectfully disagree. 
If you could just pick one instrument that you think sounds best on your speakers
Other than voice, I like guitars-dobros, acoustic, banjos, mandolins and fiddles. B&W's from 600 series from around turn of century and 685 S2's. 
Considering used towers under $1000..
B&W DM 605 S2 active bass(built-in subwoofer w130 watt class ab amp)Bass down to 25 hz aroundĀ  $1000 for a pair. Big though, around 70 pounds a piece. 
Amp/Preamps vs. High end AV Receivers
to geek101I listen at moderate levels because of neighbors and the room is about 12 by 13 ft so I don't require a lot of power but the B&W's are pretty efficient around 90 dbs. and the Denon does have a four ohm rating but the B&W's are 8 ...