

Responses from jdesj

My Demo results: I feel like I'm at a frustrating block in my speaker journey
I feel your frustration. Been there. A logical approach would be to learn more about your listening environment. Such a feat can be accomplished with little or no expense. IMHO I would try the following first:1. borrow a rug or put down a bedsprea... 
The Forest for the Trees
I read these posts more for amusement these days since I’m so pleased with my system. Gloat. It’s wonderful to reach a point where I can listen to tunes until 2 am without fatigue. It’s partially a mind set. I could upgrade here and there but I fi... 
My Demo results: I feel like I'm at a frustrating block in my speaker journey
Cannot go wrong with Focal. Please throw a carpet on the floor. Bring the front of the speaker out 36” from the back wall. Use your “experienced” salesperson to establish if you have clean power to drive those Focal speakers. Enjoy.  
I need a good looking and good sounding speaker ....
The beauty of a larger speaker is that it sounds great at any volume. Especially, low volume for apartment dwellers. I own a set of Sonus Faber Amati Futuras. These speakers are so gorgeous I get no complaints from my wife about having them in the... 
Doubting Sound Treatment ?
I treated my 16 1/2’ by 18 1/2’ by 11’ high listening room with Roxal Comfort Board. Just placing the wrapped packages of raw materials in the room immediately improved the sound.Now my bass traps are in all corners; looking good and sound is amaz... 
Best songs to test speakers
@ishkabibilI had the same issue with speakers not being able to play everything. Even had B&W CM10s2’s which muddled mid-bass. Found a deal ‘Sonos Fabre Amati Futura’s’ and I’ve never looked back.  
Best songs to test speakers
@ishkabibilI had the same issue with speakers not being able to play everything. Even had B&W CM10s2’s which muddled mid-bass. Found a deal ‘Sonos Fabre Amati Futura’s’ and I’ve never looked back.  
Best songs to test speakers
Jethro Tull - Locomotive Breath will certainly test the dynamics of your speakers. The caveat is you have to have heard the music on a good system to realize how it is suppose to sound. A real dilemma for budding audiophiles. 
All the brands I don't like...
I like movies. If the movie is worth watching it doesn’t matter if they’re on a 13” black and white TV.I like music... 
Thoughts/Advice on replacing a 20 year old system
@goheelz has the right idea IMO. Get the McIntosh C2700 preamp with DA2 upgradeable DAC. And modular MM/MC. Set for life.  
Yet another turntable recommendation question
Denon DP-3500 direct-drive, 32 pole motor. Owned one; gorgeous.  
Help in putting together my system with used equipment on Audiogon and eBay.
I’ve had experience with B&W speakers. Lovely top-end, no bass. Great for sound engineers and the like, boring for regular folk who want to feel the music. May I suggest keeping the equipment you have for now and buy BIG full-range speakers. M... 
Advice on whether speaker upgrade is in order
What your experiencing is the b&w’s overpowering your room. Major room treatment is required to tame these higher frequencies. My solution was to get rid of the b&w’s and two subwoofers. Purchased ‘full range’ Sonos Faber Amati Futuras. No... 
Speaker return or sell As New
Sell it all and purchase rock speakers. Klipsch Cornwall IV.  
Speakers or room
... I wasted too much money on room correction when I still had to replace speakers in the end. Do room correction, yes, but don’t go nuts until you get some worthy speakers. No speaker is too large. In fact I listen at a lower volume with large s...