
Responses from jcote

Reference 3A Grand Veena vs DeVore Nines: RoomSize
I would fall into the satisfied camp. This is a very revealing combo though very musical. It won't mask any bad recording but a good rock recording will sound phenomenal. Hope to hear more from you as your system comes together. I'm not sure where... 
Best DAC under 2k US ?
It's the i2s connection and digital lens or whatever it's called. Eliminates the Spdif connection and provides a buffer to eliminte clicking issues. 
Thoughts on the First Watt SIT Amps
Phil/Keith,Let me know if something comes to fruition, i'd be happy to lug over my Shindo Cortese for comparison. 
Thoughts on the First Watt SIT Amps
Is there room for Shindo to join this listening session? I'm in Long Beach so just a stones throw from LA. 
Devore Nines and Daedalus Athena comparison?
ooooh, i'd be interested in this as well...currently a Nines owner but have thought about Daedalus spkrs for some time. 
Your jaw dropping cables
I'm still curious how one "hears" any cable? Sure each cable will have it's own sound impression but it's so difficult to actually pinpoint the difference and then quantify. 
Reference 3A Grand Veena vs DeVore Nines: RoomSize
My full system can be seen in the "System" section but i'm running the Masetto/Cortese combo. The Cortese puts out 8w and I put the dial to about 10-11 for "live" level volumes. Otherwise 9 for easy listening levels.My room is rectangular about 22... 
Best DAC under 2k US ?
+1 to the Octave. Paul Hynes is also doing mods on them now. The m51 sounded nice also at THE Show in Newport but the Metrum still does it for me. 
Amplifier for Altec Valencia speakers
You guys looking for a Shindo preamp (Masetto 110v) and amp (Cortese 110v) that will fit perfect with these speakers might be in luck soon. Keep an eye out in the next two weeks or so. 
Reference 3A Grand Veena vs DeVore Nines: RoomSize
my vote goes the Nines...i've yet to hear a great demo on the Ref's at all, felt like i had to stand up to hear them sound just ok.I'm running Nine's with Shindo. 
Mach 2 Music website down?
They went out of business 
Metrum octave vs new Rega DAC vs Eastern electric
i just read that Paul Hynes is now offering a shunt regulator mod which supposedly ramps up the Metrum performance significantly. He literally just posted about it yesterday so he's probably the only to have heard it at this point but his designs ... 
is ayre qb-9 dac better than cx7e mp?
Hfisher3380, the power supplies are different in the DX5 i believe (bigger) so you may get just an ounce more of the Ayre magic. I've since moved on to other front ends & DAC's as the QB9 while sounding great in other systems I had heard didn'... 
is ayre qb-9 dac better than cx7e mp?
i wouldn't put too much time into his responses, almost every DAC thread has his name on it mentioning the same LINN DAC's as significantly better than any other. I think he's vested somehow...either dealer, importer, or employee. Either way it do... 
Agood dac for my devore nines and leben system.
NOS DAC like the Metrum Octave I am using sounds great with the Nines and Shindo which is similar to your setup.