
Responses from jburidan

Help need an integrated amp for Tannoy Stirling
Forgot to mention, my Tannoys like to be bi-wired with Acoustic Zen Satori Shotgun speaker wires. 
Help need an integrated amp for Tannoy Stirling
Agree with Aronsss. Tannoy DCs require a long break-in period. When first I heard my Tannoys, I feared I had made an expensive mistake. I played them round the clock for a month before they began to sing. Also, Tannoy DCs require top-rate amplific... 
from B&w 805's to Usher be-718 - what to expect?
Expect mediocrity... 
Comments on Tannoy Kensington SE - Room size
Tannoy doesn't much advertise its Prestige line in the USA. 
Another happy XM44 owner here. Using four 300B monoblocks with my Tannoy 15" dual concentric. 
Tube vs. Solid State Rectifier
I wouldn't buy amp or preamp with solid state rectification. 
Speakers for a 12 x 13 room
Look for used Infinity Intermezzo 2.6 active monitor or floor-standing Prelude MTS. The R.A.B.O.S. will eliminate the boom, and you won't have to sacrifice deep bass. In addition, you can drive either of these speakers with a 12-watt SET. I have d... 
SET the best?
SET is best if you have the speakers for it. 
Cary SLA 70 vs. Rocket 88
The Rocket 88-R with the right tubes is a great amp. 
Output tube radiation exposure - thoughts?
Were there a danger, these tubes would have been outlawed in Western Europe and Canada a long time ago.Not so much in China, Russia, USA, where anything goes. 
Problems with Infinity Prelude MTS mid-range
Haven't experienced problems with mine. But agree with Hhiggins that clipping will blow the midrange driver. 
Speakers in 10-15K price range for Classical music
Look for used Tannoy Churchills with 15" DC. Or a pair of Tannoy 215 DMT II's. Other than those speakers, I've never heard any that do well on large scale orchestral music or opera. 
Smallest speakers that ROCK
Infinity Intermezzo 2.6 Active 
Tannoy Prestige Speakers
Someone in Massachussetts is auctioning a pair of 215 DMT II monitors, I wouldn't want the amps, but the speakers are among the best.http://cgi.ebay.com/Tannoy-DMT-215-MKII-Pair-with-Perreaux-9000B-Amplifier_W0QQitemZ150355683845QQcmdZViewItemQQpt... 
Tannoy Prestige Speakers
Talk to Peter Lanzilotta owner of Double-Take Studio Services at (212) 685-7900.