

Discussions jbhiller has started

Can we start a thread for folks who run a SET amp with a subwoofer or two? 403614
Recommendations on stuff to look at for upgrading a 300B SET amp494027
Can someone tell me why Tidal MQA shows as 96Khz when using a non-MQA DAC?770911
I'm getting my digital closer to analog while retaining the "good" qualities of digital...513312
Looking for thoughts/opinions on tube seller's response to my question...335218
Can we hear from those who essentially repurchased previous system? 8486
Jimmy Page, It's time to call your lawyers? 556287
Ahhh--Problem solved. Adding a REL sub-bass unit...1586861
What are your notes and thoughts on The Beatles White Album Giles Martin remaster? 173719
This Schitt is totally refreshing in the world of high end audio!793175
I need a subwoofer/sub-bass opinion from you582624
Are you as OCD as this audiophile? 536756
Can you help pinpoint why I am now satisfied with my digital setup? 261512
What's the status on Bluesound's Amazon Alexa Integration? 27762
The Devil is in the Cartridge Setup (and a good phone pre)...263923