
Responses from jb8312

Not Another NuForce thread......
Viclondon - Good Post. I agree the NuForce handle a broad range of music very well. I did find a weakness last night. After listening to some really well recorded music, I decided some U2 was in order. I was never more aware of just how compressed... 
Not Another NuForce thread......
Lacee - I agreee with your lodgic, and with that said, I bekleive me the Ref 9 SE V2 is their best and (maybe) final.Never say never, right? But, I think with this version, NuForce should stand on it and let the market take them in. They are very ... 
Not Another NuForce thread......
Versions - I asked Jason about the market perception (and reality) that NuForce makes revisions weekly. Because I, like you all, don't like to feel I am behind the ball from the get go. Basically, with the V2 came some new "patented" technology an... 
Not Another NuForce thread......
V - Who rained on your parade?? 
Not Another NuForce thread......
Viridain - No, I have not heard all amps. But, as a reviewer for positive-feedback.com , I have heard many – I suspect, more so then most audiophiles. I have been to many shows where I heard the "best" and the "flavors of the month" as concluded b... 
3a l'integral nouveau Vs. Verity parisfal encore
"thin" is not a word I would associate with my VA POs. Fully bodied is... As to the "visceral impact" you spoke of, before my current listening room, I was in a smaller one where the base cabinets were pointed forward and there was more attack. In... 
3a l'integral nouveau Vs. Verity parisfal encore
Wow..Jaybo...You and I couldn't be further apart! 
3a l'integral nouveau Vs. Verity parisfal encore
I have had a couple 3As and I currently own (and love) VA Parsifal Ovations....The two are not very similar. If anything the 3As are more like Wilson than the VAs...but even that is a stretch.VA - Oh so musical and involving3A - leaner and more an... 
Nuforce v2: has anyone tried them
I got my review Ref 9 SE V2 last week and after some warm up, etc gave them a good listen over the weekend...I am very very impressed. All reservations I had for Class D in general and specific to the NuForce are gone. The mids are sweetened up to... 
What are the best monitor speakers for classical?
The SF G's would have been my reccomendation but for the past few months I have been living with a pair of Verity Audion Parisfal Ovation Monitors (Yes, the monitors are sold seperatly for the bass cabinets if you want - $8800)Very impressed, and ... 
Cost no Object but Small Room
I selected the Verity Audio Parisifal Ovations because of the refinded full range from a smallish box. The caveat is that you may have to fire the base cabinets forward, which can alter the sound a bit....But, if you expand, you can turn them back... 
One's trash is someone else's treasure
I would have done the same thing. I once sold a MTB for much less then it was worth, I needed the money bad. Furhtermore, I was about 15 years older then the kid that bought it, so I was "the Old guy". If he had offered any more than I had asked I... 
Best Place for Negative Reviews?
After reading some of the other responses I have some follow up comments. I have never, ever been exposed to any biasing which could even tangentially be associated with advertisingÂ…at all. Never. I review products that have appealed to me is some... 
Best Place for Negative Reviews?
I have been reviewing for 7 years now, and I can only recall one "bad" product. Even the ones that I did not personally care for, Dali Helicon 300 comes to mine, had plenty of positive merits to it that another listener could love and I tried to w... 
dissapointing audiophile recording
Newsome's YS. I find it unlistinable. Anyone want it?