
Responses from jazdoc

Review: Aria WV5 XL (Line Stage only) Tube preamp
Jafox,Wow! First let me commend you on your review. I enjoyed how you structured the piece by providing your background and then detailing your journey with the Aria. BTW, this type of writing is not easy and you are an excellent writer. This trul... 
Music Matters Blue notes
Maybe I'm so used to the RVG piano sound that I find I am able to listen around it. I agree, the Mobley album is spectacular, even better than the 200 gm version. 
shrill high end? help, setup? triplaner
Audiotomb,I recently had the pleasure of watching Thom set up my new Stelvio with a Triplanar and Dynavector. Quite an experience. My point being that it's probably worth dropping Thom an email to see if he could help. Good luck!Regards, 
Music Matters Blue notes
As a Music Matters subscriber, in the case of "A Night in Tunisia", the answer is an unequivocal yes. Blakey's drum set never sounded better than on the title track.Also check out the Horace Parlan "Just Us Three". I was not familiar with his musi... 
The Messenger Preamp
Mike,Elliot's definitely one of the good guys. BTW, have you had a chance to listen to the new Aria preamp and if so, any thoughts? 
The Messenger Preamp
Curriemt11,Thanks for the thorough and thoughtful review. I've had the pleasure of listening to the Messenger at Elliot's place and it was magical. The time and effort you put into the extensive comparisons is greatly appreciated.Enjoy the your sy... 
Halcyonics under my tt. Wow
Tbg,Thanks for the report. I have been considering the Halcyonics. I have a 140# turntable (Galibier Stelvio) sitting on an Equarack with a Grand Prix Platform. The Equarack made a huge improvement in the sound of my system. How much impact would ... 
The Best $10,000.00 Table + Cartridge
Gang,I accidentally deleted Option #2 from my original post. Here is the corrected post:I can not tell you what to do, however, I can tell you what I would do:Option #1:Galibier Serac/Artisan Tonearm/Dynavector 17d3....$4,600Loricraft PRC 3 RCM (C... 
The Best $10,000.00 Table + Cartridge
I can't tell you what to do however, I can tell you what I would do:Option #1Galibier Serac/Artisan Tonearm/Dynavector 17d3....$4,600Loricraft PRC 3 RCM (Currently on sale)...........$2,370Art Audio Vinyl One...............................$2,400To... 
How do you negotiate a cure for wrong audio view
Theodore Levitt once observed that "people don't want a quarter-inch drill; they want a quarter-inch hole". Translated into audiospeak: "people don't want a stereo, they want to enjoy music." I try to keep that in mind, especially when I'm auditio... 
Your vinyl guilty pleasure???
"All This Love" by DeBarge. I believe I deserve extra credit as it features Jose Feliciano. 
Shahinian Obelisk Passive Radiator Replacement
As an owner of Shahanian Obelisks for 20+ years, I can only add my voice to what Tonyptony and others have so eloquently said. These are killer speakers. Please, please contact Shahanian and invest the necessary money to bring these incredible spe... 
In love with my Loricraft
Emailists,Congratulations! I'm also a new Loricraft owner and it has exceeded my expectations. My early experience is similar to yours. Cleaning records with the Loricraft seems to allow my analog setup to extract more information from the albums ... 
Vinyl Frontend/Linn LP12 Question
Dodgealum,I am a 20+year Linn LP12 owner. I have gone through all the upgrades during that time (Tramplolin, Lingo, etc.) and used the full range of Linn & Naim arms and cartridges as well as other cartridges. When Linn announced the Keel upgr... 
Recommendations on the music of Astor Piazzolla
Slipknot1,You're welcome! Let me know if you like these and/or if you find either of these on vinyl.Regards