Responses from jayctoy
Need suggestions on two channel amp for ML Aerius- i agree with Tinman Krell paired better with the logansespecially if you use cardas cable they like the goldenbetter or one step below. | |
Need suggestions on two channel amp for ML Aerius- i agree with Tinman Krell paired better with the logansespecially if you use cardas cable they like the goldenbetter or one step below. | |
$2K to spend on used SS linestage, but which? i dont know if you are familiar with gfa 750 adcom thisis a very good preamp the retrieval of inner detail is good,bass wise it flows with the music it blows my krell ksaaway,you can buy it for between $800 in the internetthere is one i like also ... | |
power cords and krell amps any suggestions? Phanl try the custom power cord model 11, or maybe the top gun model,in my experience with power cords these are the best,try them, music direct might loan you. | |
Worst speakers at Stereophile show Doug99 I once heard eggleston products which is the Andra with the levinsons also,using meridian 508 cd player the sounds is very transparent but not musical and uninvolving,my friend brought the speaker in my house with my plinius sa 100,adcom gf... | |
Best amp to drive B&W N805's Muskrat My friend own a the N805 He runs then with sa 100plinius, its sounds so musical,he also use sony 9000 esbut of course at the end its your choice,rememberplinius products are excellent. | |
Help me decide... Mrip Plinius no doubt, but why not try the odyssey stratos stereo for $995 you cant go wrong,I bought andra I willaudition the monoblock stratos to compare it with theplinius 102, the odyssey stratos they have 30 days trialmaybe longer, i am very ... | |
Review: Plinius SA-102 power amp I own a sa 100 plinius, it is so musical with my martinlogan, i was into buying krell tried the 300i, and marklevinson 331 but no match with the sa 100,transparency,tubelike sound, transient, palpability,female voice,etc, now i got the chance to h... | |
Levinson 331 or Pass X150 or Plinius SA-100 ?????? i tried both the ML331 and the Plinius SA 100 with myelectrostatic martin logan quest, the Plinius came on top, its just that good, when my friend heard my sa 100He cancel his 331 order it is that good; oh by the wayi heard the 102 plinius 3 days ... |