
Responses from jawks

Phono stage rec for Rega P25 with ZYX R100-02H
Thanks for the recommendation! This is a second table for my office, and I've got a Peachtree Decco hybrid tube integrated amp already, so that's why I'm looking for a separate phono stage. Ones I've been considering:Clearaudio Basic (though a lit... 
Thorens TD-316?
Thanks for the replies. Anyone think that this turntable might not be worth purchasing? 
Thorens TD-316?
I was planning on using it with a grado reference sonata I already have. that should be a decent match, right? 
Headphone amp for vinyl?
Thanks for all your input. I actually already have a pair of headphones which I love, which happen to be Beyerdynamic T1's. I ended up getting a Burson HA160 headphone amp for a discount, and so far I really like it! 
VPI Aries/JMW 10/Lyra Delos -- Phono preamp rec?
Thanks to all for your thoughts over the last week. I decided to get a Parasound JC3 and was able to get a demo from a local at a really great price. I'll report back with my thoughts in a couple of weeks! 
VPI Aries/JMW 10/Lyra Delos -- Phono preamp rec?
Again, thanks for the comments! It's a tough debate right now which unit to get. Parasound vs Ayre vs Chinook. Would love to listen to all three of them but I don't think that will happen. 
VPI Aries/JMW 10/Lyra Delos -- Phono preamp rec?
Thanks for the suggestion! It seems like the Chinook is a strong contender. I've decided to save up and shoot for something around the $2000 mark.Any thoughts on the Ayre P-5xe or Parasound JC3 for this setup? 
VPI Aries/JMW 10/Lyra Delos -- Phono preamp rec?
That BMC mcci also looks intriguing but unfortunately is out of my price range. How much were you able to get the demo for? 
VPI Aries/JMW 10/Lyra Delos -- Phono preamp rec?
Thanks to all for your ongoing responses! Seems like I've got a number of options to think about here! 
VPI Aries/JMW 10/Lyra Delos -- Phono preamp rec?
Hi Peter, just read the reviews of your Liberty B2B-1 and am definitely intrigued. In addition, price point is more in my range than the Manley at this time. May very well contact you in the near future. 
VPI Aries/JMW 10/Lyra Delos -- Phono preamp rec?
Thanks for the helpful responses! It's nice to know there are many other out there with similar combos. Sounds like the Manley Chinook needs to be seriously considered. I also called the folks at music Direct and was recommended the Avid Pulsus, I...