
Responses from javachip

What is your favorite type of tweeter?
Thanks to all for the great comments.The Gallo CDT was mentioned by several people. I have not heard this speaker or tweeter, but will make a point to do so.Ribbons -- love the ultra-low moving mass compared to domes, but don't love the distortion... 
Kef 104/2 Replacements
Guido, can you kindly provide model numbers for the Vifa tweeters? Did you have to change the crossover network with the new tweeters? Did you replace capacitors with the same original values, or different values? Thanks. 
Steinway Lyngdorf Loudspeakers?
I'm interested in them as well. Where are you located? I'm planning to drive to Orange County CA in a few days to audition them. You are welcome to accompany me if you like. Otherwise, I'll post my impressions soon. 
Suggestions for an affordable pre/pro
First, your Adcom GFA-555 IS an audiophile component. I've had two for them for 20 years. You'll take them away from me when you pry them out of my cold dead hands.All of your own ideas, and all of the suggestions offered above, sound reasonable. ... 
New KEF Reference Series 201/2 or 203/2
KEF is a reputable speaker company, and you are unlikely to be disappointed with any of their Reference Series speakers.However, the only ears that matter are your own. For a significant investment like that, it is worth the effort to audition the... 
Power Conditioners?
Remember that power conditioning consists of three things -- RF filtation to eliminate hash, surge protection to suppress voltage spikes, and also battery backup to eliminate voltage dips. However, most battery backups cannot be used with amplifie... 
Outdoor Speakers......please
I'll sell you my pair of Polk AWM3's for $20 plus shipping from So.Cal. They were used outdoors for about one year, and have been in indoor storage for the last 11 years. I have no use for outdoor speakers at present, or else I would still be usin... 
Outlaw 990 VS Yamaha RXV1500
I assume the 990 is a trade-in or a used model, since Outlaw is an internet direct retailer not sold in stores.I faced a similar choice between the Sherwood-Newcastle P-965 (same platform as the Outlaw) and the Yamaha 1500 & 2500 and Denon 380... 
Center channel phase question.
Most surround sound processors and receivers automatically detect reversed speaker wiring, which results in an out-of-phase test tone from the miswired speaker. The calibration microphone detects the initial sound wave deflection as negative when ... 
Denon 3805, muddy voices.
I had trouble hearing dialog through my KEF 100C center channel with my Sherwood-Newcastle P-965 pre-pro. It seemed the dialog was drowned out by the rest of the soundtrack. I solved the problem simply by manually increasing the center channel lev... 
best or craziest speakers' design..
This should keep you busy for a 
DIY Speakers
Also check out, which has a very active section for speakers. There are also several companies such as Madisound and Parts Express that offer DIY plans and kits. 
What? Cant hear the voices
My hearing is fine, but I frequently struggle to hear dialog when playing a DVD movie in 7.1. I think it is mainly an issue with recording and mixing of the soundtrack, but perhaps it is also partly an issue with the quality of my center channel s... 
Paradigm ADP150's in a 7.1 system
For high-resolution multichannel music, you are better off staying with the same speaker brand, and preferably within the same model series, for optimal "voice matching." This often means having the same drivers in all speakers. The surrounds do n... 
Paradigm ADP150's in a 7.1 system
The choice of dipole/bipole/monopole for side and back surrounds should be guided by personal taste, room layout (including speaker placement in relation to listening position), and intended use (HT vs. music). Most surround processors are not des...