
Responses from jamiec001

help narrowing down my list of speakers, $2500
Just so you know (this will sound stupid, because its something everyone wants) I want the most "real" sound I can get for my rock. A speaker with great seperation and depth. One that will grip my soul (emotionally involving) 
Freezer Cryoed Cables...
While im at it ill put my Definitve Tech in the ice box. 
Energy Connoisseur C-9 or KEF Q-7 for my Tube Amp
The subs have controls on them you know. I think im going to get the BP7004, unless someone says otherwise. 
Rockin Speaker under $1000 used
How about Defenitive Technology BP7004? It seems perfect. 
Energy Connoisseur C-9 or KEF Q-7 for my Tube Amp
DEFINITIVE TECHNOLOGY BP2002. How would those work in my room with my amp? 
Which of these would you buy?
Could the energy speakers be powered and sound well with my Jolida 302B Tube amp? Its 50 WPC 
Which of these would you buy?
12' X 11' Rectangle. Each speaker will be 6ft from me and about 7ft apart. They will each have at least a foot of wall clearance and 2ft from the side wall. 
Which of these would you buy?
I just talked to my friend whos an Audiophile. He recommended me KEF Q11's or ENERGY CONNOISSEUR C-9's. I think ill get one of those, can anyone compare the 2? 
Which of these would you buy?
Totem Staff, Triangle Antal, PSB Gold, JM Labs Chorus 726S.Which would be good for my 50 WPC Tube amp? I want the one that sounds the most forward, dynamic, and powerful. 
Which of these would you buy?
Sorry, forgot about Totem Staff and Triangle Antal..Now which one? :D