
Responses from jafox

If you had 10k for pre and power amp but you had
I have a very similar experience with Darylhifi. I have tried so very many preamps and amps and over and over, I find so few preamps really bring on the musicality and involvement. And yet so many amps, even with their differences from model to mo... 
Turntable upgrade: What to do?
The Linn and Naim products for that matter always seem to have a cult following. It's hard to ever hear of rhythm and pace without hearing these product lines mentioned in the same sentence. With that said, I too think the Linn LP12 is a fine prod... 
What happened to list prices?
I do not fully understand this thread as I see many of the ads do indeed have list prices. I just listed my ARC PH2 here with orig list price and it is shown. One thing I have noticed on this site and others is how inaccurate many posted list pric... 
ARC SP-11 MkII vs. ARC Ref. 1 & the winner is.....
It's not easy to take such a review of the SP11 vs Ref1 very serious based on my ownership of some ARC preamps over the last 15 years. I owned an SP10 Mk II for 8 years and just loved it. It had poor frequency extreme extension on both ends, it ha... 
Record clamps on LP12
This killed the rhythm and pace? Nothing else was affected? 
Clearaudio Master Reference vs. Basis Debut V ??
A few people have emailed me on my previous Clearaudio forum comments, so I will share further experiences here.I have the same gut feeling as Albert on the linear tracking concept. I use the Clearaudio Reference with TQ1 rather than the Master ta... 
Benz ACE, Grado Sonata or Clearaudio Aurum Beta S?
Hello,I used a Sonata for a few months. It was a phenomenol tracker with great bass extension and good weight in the mids. However, the extended trebles that I have become so used to with MC cartridges was reduced. I then tried a Benz Glider which... 
Magnepan MGCC1 & shysters
I submitted a response here but it was rejected by Audiogon as I had mentioned the man's name and his address. Here is that message again with that info left off. For anyone interested in that information, please contact me.------------------Oh oh... 
Comparison ARC Classic 30 and VT-50
For about a year I owned (given to me) a Classic60. I then had to return it a year later (complicated story) and then went with a VT130. Since the CL60 is the bigger brother to the CL30 and the VT130 along the same time as the VT50, I feel my expe... 
What IS that tune??????
Your sperm's in the gutter, your love's in the sink"Sure glad I got this line, Thanks guys!" 
SME V tonearm versus Rega tonearms on Michell Orbe
Hmmm, you are contemplating putting a multi-thousand $ cartridge on an arm that costs a few hundred $? Doing just the opposite makes far more sense. If you are looking to stay with UK arms, the Naim ARO may very well be your best choice....otherwi... 
NBS Audio Cables
I too have had good response from NBS. A couple of times I needed information and I too was told Walter was out of the office, but I put my questions to an email and within the day I had gotten my questions answered.I use Statement between preamp ... 
Is Audio Research Corp alive and well?
I live only 5 minutes from ARC and have repeatedly gotten excellent service just as a walk-in customer. Each time I have needed a manual or parts kit, they are always right there to help me. When I took my VT130 in for service they had put it in a... 
Audio Research PH-2 Phono Stage
I have to say I have an entirely different experiencewith the PH2 than Rdr4b. I have had the PH2 since early1995 and would consider it perhaps the most neutral productin my system (ARC LS5II, DAC3II, VT130, driving Maggie3.3).My phono is Clearaudi... 
Clearaudio Reference Mistracking
I'd thank to thank everyone here for their experiences and comments. I will try to address each of these now.Concerning the MusicalSurroundings website, yes, I checked it out. And I will send a copy of my posting to them this weekend. I will share...