Responses from jafant
What is the best band ever? The Beatles. | |
Audiogon "RECORDINGS TO DIE FOR" list Jamie Cullum - twentysomething. | |
Equipment that has made you 'stop' looking? Conrad johnson. | |
Your ONE all time favorite love song? Endless love. | |
Latest Steve Winwood - Excellent Thanks! I will pick it up. | |
What music do you want to play really loud? All music! | |
Your favorite recent discovery Jason Mraz. | |
Audio web site Agreed-audioasylum used to be good and easy to read. audiogon is slow to remove bought items, IMO. | |
How many of us look under the hood?? Always! | |
Aesthetix Calypso VS ARC Reference 3 Ckoffend, which tubes do you use?which tubes have you tried? | |
Bryston BCD-1 impressions? Any dealer in the South East US, have one on demo? | |
Any bluegrass fans? I enjoy Nicklecreek, as well as the Jerry Garcia bluegrass outfits. | |
Album which you have listened to most? Van Halen s/t | |
Transparent MM2 Anyone auditioning at the local retail shop?Which dealers have these cables in their demo rooms? | |
It's Hammond B3 Organ Day That B-3 is one seductive lady... |