Responses from jafant
It's Hammond B3 Organ Day That B-3 is one seductive lady... | |
Do you have a secret "guilty pleasure" recording? Never feel guilty for your musical tastes!Karen Carpenter has one of the most beautiful voices. | |
Your favorite recent discovery Grace Potter. | |
Cables Are Crazy, what do you think? Listening is accepting-invite him to the local stereo shop for a test drive. | |
Cary 306 SACD Professional Thanks-Oldvinyl. | |
Transparent MM2 Any dealers in the Southeast? | |
best artists in the last 15 years I vote for John Mayer. | |
Any Audio Enthusiasts in Alabama? Hello Catfishbob-check out the Atlanta, GA link for info related to audio shows/shops. | |
2 10" subs equals 1 12" or 15" sub? Agreed-(2) 10" subs are equal to (1) 15"(4) 8" subs are equal to (1) 15"I prefer 2 smaller subs vs. 1 larger sub. | |
Polk XM & DAC & XM 73...and others.. I enjoy The Loft & Trad Jazz. | |
zakk wylde the Randy Rhodes of today? Somewhat agree-Randy was classically trained. Do not know about Zakk's training? I do enjoy both players. | |
Jeff Healey Rest In Peace Big fan of Jeff. | |
Herbie Hancock on the Grammys Great performance! | |
What time do you wear? Swiss Army- silver w/ a white face. | |
the best music dvd video?? Second-The Last Waltz |