
Responses from ja_zz

Aurender N100C - alternative apps?
Gentlemen, has anyone compared the N100H to the Sonore MicroRendu? If so,  your impressions?Thanks! 
Aurender N100C - alternative apps?
@lalitk Sure will, thanks.Well, with all due respect,  the folks at Aurender could have looked at the best there is and imitated it or even bested it. Not the case. Will report. 
Aurender N100C - alternative apps?
@lalitk Sorted it all out. The Aurender Conductor app for iPad is quite functional, but, IMO, it still is inferior to the Sonos app, both for Android, Mac and iDevices.Copying my 400Gb files to the aurender as we speak. Shame that no other app can... 
Aurender N100C - alternative apps?
@lalitk Thanks. I read this part of the manual.I am working on it. Not there yet.  
Aurender N100C - alternative apps?
Ok,So there is no alternative app. Ok. I also found no way to transfer my files from a NAS to the internal storage yet. The Aurender internal drive that appears on the mac desktop as shared does not open. Will try some more computer voodoo on it.  
Aurender N100C - alternative apps?
@lalitk I Absolutely concur. However,  what I am talking about is as follows: my DAC is so good at reclocking the input signal,  it makes even an inferior SPDIF signal sound good. I found a used iPad at home.  Will try some more.  
Aurender N100C - alternative apps?
@lalitk The DAC that I currently use makes no difference between the Sonos and the Aurender, they just sound the same . The author tells me the input signal is processed in a phase- adaptive manner. PLL, I suppose,  is the name for this processing... 
Shahinian Obelisk vs VandersteenTreo
Above I meant "shallow", not "mellow", of course.  
Shahinian Obelisk vs VandersteenTreo
@audioconnection ,Well, I don’t have the XLR HPFs. Just the RCA.The sound changed once I had the amp replaced,  sounds a bit mellow now. Need to re-tune the bass section, too, like you @tomic601 and @audioconnection suggested. Great to have your w... 
Shahinian Obelisk vs VandersteenTreo
@tomic601,What were you not planning to build there? L410s? :-) 
Shahinian Obelisk vs VandersteenTreo
Tested the built-in xlr crossover vs rca quatro. The built-in sounded more open and transparent. @audioconnection , your experience is different, right? 
Shahinian Obelisk vs VandersteenTreo
Got the Aesthetix playing finally.  Sweeeeeet! ;-) 
Shahinian Obelisk vs VandersteenTreo
@audioconnection ,Johnny, kudos to you. Thanks for all your time and effort. I only really needed the info on the lower inputs and crossover frequency setting, but your input is really commendable. Thanks A LOT. I am picking the amp up today in ..... 
Shahinian Obelisk vs VandersteenTreo
@audioconnection As a matter of fact I was planning to use the DAC straight into the amp.  My HPFs are RCA, rest of the setup is balanced, wanted to put them away. No point in buying another set of HPFs. 
Shahinian Obelisk vs VandersteenTreo
@audioconnection I thought with the Atlas's built-in HPF I don't need the Vandy external HPF any more?I also hope there is a section in the Atlas manual for setting the HPF for Vandees.