
Responses from j_thunders

John Dunlavy On "Cable Nonsense"
I could tell no money got it when I gave him a couple of points it put him back to 0/0. But only for his delivery though, the content is just beyond foul and as such I could never endorse it. :-P 
John Dunlavy On "Cable Nonsense"
Negatives for me and No Money? What's your problem? Join in or piss off. 
Which came first, the chicken or the egg
You might even want to ask Audiogon to remove the Home Theater forum on your way out the door. Shame on them for teasing people into posting threads like yours with it in the first place. 
This ever happen to you?
Check over at Dekay's house. 
Which came first, the chicken or the egg
Pathetic. Blob7, looks like you are on your own--good luck trying to get your info. May I suggest you try Audioreview instead, it looks like some in here are confused with your attempt to gather suggestions for building your HT system and instead ... 
John Dunlavy On "Cable Nonsense"
Oh shit, here we go with the epistimological thing again. Maybe you want to argue about whether God exists for a while, or maybe a theory on the origins of the universe. Re: ABX, sure, what the hell, I'll try anything once. I pass the test with di... 
This ever happen to you?
Anyone remember that Partrige family episode where one of the bandmembers couldn't play because she was picking up the Rolling Stones in her braces during a gig? You don't wear braces do you Khan? Arthur Salvatore thread look out. 
What does State of the Art mean to you?
Lorne, your right and I'm sorry for the role I played in driving your thread off-point. And I should know better anyways, that's the third time I've made a comment re: base negativity in various threads and it's the same as always--so I'll stop. 
John Dunlavy On "Cable Nonsense"
Amen!!! Now, can I get a witness. 
This ever happen to you?
Hmmmmm, a glitch in the Matrix? Or maybe it could have been an intentional drink mixing trick? Dunno, freaky like usual. 
What does State of the Art mean to you?
Cornfed, that's a mighty fine distinction you're making there, the difference between how me and Leafs handled ourselves. But fine, your'e entitled to your point of view, and maybe your right. Maybe, though, I am tired of reading this guy's quippy... 
What does State of the Art mean to you?
Leafs, how's this for exact and to the point--you suck. Is it that you don't get enough attention in real life, is that you're mommy dropped you on your head? WTF? If you don't think something has merit, how hard is it to just sit there like a goo... 
Disappointed in SACD player
Tweeter is THE WORST. They are staffed by a bunch of incompetant knuckleheads and know less about what they are selling than just about any retailer that comes to mind. As far as I am concerned the only lesson here is, if you want milk, try a cow. 
As-Is, What does it mean?
As is means expect it to no worky. 
John Dunlavy On "Cable Nonsense"
I'm not horrified, nor do I need any comfort, but I do feel sorry for you. I can't help but notice you have chosen a hobby that begins and ends with the ear, yet yours don't appear to function the same way mine do. Pity. It's about like eyesight. ...