

Responses from j-wall

HELP! I bought equipment drunk, don’t know anything.
What have I started!?! 
The stereo sounds fine, music is great, but Jeff Bezos came back to earth.
Did he go further than Branson? Neil Degrasse Tyson broke it down to, Branson didn't go into space.  
Sopra 2 Bass
You're getting a lot of good info here. If they haven't broken in yet, it will take some time to develop. My Sopra 2's have finally locked in. Positioning is important too and I find myself repositioning them every so often to check myself as well... 
Considerations prior to your next purchase
Windows rolled down while driving really destroys hearing? 
Why has focal raised their prices so much on Sopra line
Sopra's price increased before covid, for all you justifying their actions with your "shipping" and "material costs" theories, which isn't remotely true. They bought a distribution company and as a corporation, instead of saddling the costs and in... 
PS Audio Stellar Phono
@firenze please keep us in the loop. I haven't decided if I'm going modwright or ps audio! 
How do you know what your weakest link is?
@russ69  I actually updated my profile after I thought about it. I'm still thinking the bigge changes will probably come from my table or phono so I'll be starting there before the PL.  
How do you know what your weakest link is?
@tablejockey I'd be interested in doing a pool for gear. We should get some people together so we can all experiment and try gear. Let's start with the Hagerman.  
How do you know what your weakest link is?
@johnss I've considered the Chinook, but I've seen many reports of noise, picking up fm signals and more selling them than keeping them. I'm hoping a Modwright will alleviate all of that and it will be a keeper. We'll see where I go from here I gu... 
How do you know what your weakest link is?
@tablejockey I'm almost sitting on them. 46" from front wall and 25" from side walls. Bass is slightly boomy, but bass traps eventually. So cost isn't always a factor, and maybe not within someone's "taste", but at this level it isn't indictive of... 
How do you know what your weakest link is?
@tomic601 very small 9 x 13 x 8 ft room. Two diy acoustic panels made from rockwool and burlap. It sure ain't no Gik, but it seems to help. Isolation is a good call. All components are on a solid steel rack. I guess it couldn't hurt to try some is... 
How do you know what your weakest link is?
@russ69 I should probably set up my virtual system on here. Either way: Focal Sopra 2's, Clearaudio Concept Wood, Hana ML, musical surroundings nova III, linear power supply, Primaluna Dialogue Premium pre with Shunyata  Venom V12, Primaluna Dialo... 
How do you know what your weakest link is?
@tablejockey I had a dealer tell me there isn't going to be a major step forward going from my $1500 Nova III to the Modwright 9.0/x. At double/triple the pricepoint from 9.0/x how can this be? Anyone else please feel free to help educate me. I ma... 
How do you know what your weakest link is?
@petg60 thanks for the insight as always. I may have a decent phonostage as I'm guessing and a table/arm upgrade may be in the cards. I refuse to get rid of my Hana ML though as I love this cart.  
How do you know what your weakest link is?
When did you know your gear started to outclass itself? At this point I'm purely judging on cost. Are there any other indicators I should be looking at?