
Responses from italy71

Speakers for Simaudio Moon I-5
John,I have tryed the I-5 with many different speaker including the Europas and the 1.3se. IMO the europas where not a good match (sorry europa fans)The 1.3se were powered with no problem, good sound but IMO sounded bland...this could be considere... 
The New GMA Callisto is one good looking speaker..
I am going to have to agree with Drubinon this one. They kind of look like a male private part...I would like to hear the reviews though 
B&W Signature 805s v. Merlin TSM-Ms ?
To each their own!!! Thats why audio is a beautiful thing!!!A system can go from cold and clinical to warm and inviting in a change of a IC or power cord. I hope everyone find the sound they are looking for...I am almost completely there!!My syste... 
B&W Signature 805s v. Merlin TSM-Ms ?
"Maybe his other end needs to be replaced"Jamesw20I have had 4 other sets of speakers hooked up to the EXACT same system, IMO the sigs were one of the less involving speakers.That is what is great about audio...what good for one person may not ple... 
What are your favorite monitors?
Focus audio F688 Exellent!!! 
B&W Signature 805s v. Merlin TSM-Ms ?
I have owned the 805 sigs. Really depends on what type of music you listen to, I thought the sigs did a poor job on old rock and rock in general...this is probably because they are so accurate, their sound on rock is very separated, no real PRAT..... 
Amps for Quad 12L
sim audio I-5, great combo, great synergy 
Quad 21L vs. Epos m15
nathanI actually went to an audio store in the area today. Same equipment (I-5 and a quad cdp), same room, I thought the quads had a level of clarity that just was not present in the epos. There sound is exactly what i have been looking for, liqui... 
New power for my Nautilus 805's - Integrated Amps?
i have a friend that has a pair of 805...he uses a sim audio I-5 intergrated with unbelievable results. I myself am not a fan of b&w but the synergy with the i-5 is simply amazing. The I-5 is rated @ 70 wpc but is a ultra high current intergra... 
does a sim audio I-5 have enough power for 1.3se?
Thank you kinetic for your input, I wanted to make sure before purchasing the 1.3se 
downsizing, anyone recommend speakers 1000 or less
I will do some research on the recommended speakers thanks to everyone for their opinioncarlo 
turning amp on vs tweater hiss
i have spoken to the krell, and classe rep and they both say that a that a low level hiss is normal, it is recomended by every audio company to leave the their equipment on, If you turn sim audio equipment off (found out my self) it takes about 2 ... 
Prima 24/192 How good does it really sound
TracydSo you liked the prima for the first 11 days then the granite exceeded the prima on the 12th day, was this because of the equipment used with the players or the type of music being demoed? Thanks Carlo 
Prima 24/192 How good does it really sound
Warren, what types of music do you listen to?