
Responses from isochronism

How do you use Tidal with you local library?
KFC will be offering/matket testing 3-D printed chicken starting in Russia. YUM 
I just finished my new listening room...
I'd prefer Venus Di Milo. She can listen but not touch. 
All record weights the same ?
The same bowl that oldhvymec used to cut his hair with .... remember hair?  😄 Anyone with extensive Russo turntable experience I'd trust. 
Worst Concerts You Have Attended ??
Appearantly sex, drugs and rock-and-roll are not a good long term plan 😄 I am thoroughly enjoying all of the experience recounts! Btw, I ALWAYS used earplugs. Even when going to a bar to hear a band, I would ALWAYS roll up cocktail napkin to stuff... 
The guru on fuses:
Of most importance now, is to use two fuses in line (one following another) .... like we are supposed to now wear two masks. For utmost safety. Oh wait, now media is suggesting THREE masks .. 🙄 
Russian Tube Preamp, No Return, Here I go again
I hope they're rushin' to get it to ya' 
Single driver speakers. Are they worth considering ?
I'd rather pass a gallstone HA. Actually I have single-driver speakers, of course it's all in the application as anything else. Plus we choose our compromises. 
Why wont speaker companies publish their measurements?
If nothing is ever good enough, any given measurments would never "measure up" to one's standards. Hence moot point, 
Stock Leben Hi-Fi Power Cord
When it rains it pours - Morton Salt 
Enquiring minds want to know
The difference will be in the given eulogy. Enthusiasts will say you went out in style. Skeptics will say that you couldn't live with yourself after paying so much for NO SQ improvement! 
Wow, $10k+ cables
miller, Listen fat, $10k cables are not a one horse pony. They will make the hair on your legs come back up.  
Enquiring minds want to know
Now that we are being told to trust the science, and double up on masks, (now THAT'S thick) at least wear two while auditioning. The double elastic will offer additional jaw support. 
A stupid question for which there's no sensible answer.
A friend who had a veterinarian appointment the next morning, was asked to bring the dog's sample. Worried that the dog wouldn't "go" in time, collected it the day before and preserved it in the refrigerator. He found that a stool in the fridge wa... 
Stand Deliver
Eric wear's a new Rolex steel Daytona. Many are complaining because they can't find one (at msrp). We can all find something to gripe about if we try hard:) 
Sonny Rollins Tenor Madness - 2011 OJC pressing vs 2009 Hi Horse Records
There is s discussion over at stevehoffman forum on Tenor Mafness lp.