
Responses from isanchez

Dynavector DV 507 MKII
I use the VTF dial on the tonearm. I balance the arm horizontally with the dial set to zero. I then adjust the dial to the appropriate VTF.I have a few digital scales. The VTF reading I get with the Cartridge Man Digital Stylus Force Gauge is cons... 
Wilson-Benesch Full Circle A.C.T. 0.5 Carbon arm
I used to have one a few years ago. I can't for sure attribute it to the Wilson-Benesch turntable specifically, but my analogue setup lacked some bass weight. Also, my system back then was totally different from what I have now.There are a couple ... 
Magnepan 20.1
Hello Pops,My experience with the Maggies 3.6r and amps is that the listening satisfaction increases with watts. I tried the 3.6r at my local dealer with a Mac integrated amp (I don't remember, but it was <300 watts). From the mid-range up, it ... 
Magnepan 20.1
I have the smaller 3.6r and they rock in my system. It was not always the case though. Adding the Spectron mono-blocks was a huge improvement. But it was after I got the Joule Electra Marianne Electra preamp that I felt how much slam the Maggies c... 
Unusual Cable Brands
You're welcome. Good luck with your search.Best,iSanchez 
Joule Electra LA-150 MK3 vs MK2?
Hello Rafael,I have to admit that this kind of sound is very addictive.BTW, I have an Elrod Statement Silver power cord arriving in the next few weeks. It is supposed to be a great match to this preamp. I'll post my impression once I get it.Best,i... 
Turntable Speed
Frepec,I totally agree with you. It seems that we, as audio equipment consumers, have grown complacent with the idea that it is not so relevant for analogue playback to have speed control with a turntable. The fact that there are so many turntable... 
Unusual Cable Brands
I have Stereovox Reference interconnects and speaker cables and they are fantastic. There are a few people that compare them favorably to Nordost Valhallas, and therefore switched from Valhallas to Stereovox Reference. This is a Stereovox Referenc... 
Dynavector DV 507 MKII
I'm not sure if it is actually manufactured in black as well, but this is a photo of the 507 MK2 in black from CES 2009.Best,iSanchez 
Interconnect length
I agree with that and I have to add that I can confirm that after playing with home-made cables, Nordost and Sterevox Reference cables, the short interconnect between the phono stage and preamplifier makes a much bigger improvement than in any oth... 
Interconnect length
You're welcome.You can further read about it here. Various cable manufactures were asked similar questions by Positive Feedback Online.Best,iSanchez 
Interconnect length
From my searches on this topic, the consensus is that if you really need to have a long interconnect, it is better to have it between the preamp and amplifier.Best,iSanchez 
Spindle diameter - Marantz TT15
I think it is better to get a digital caliper and measure the spindle. Even if the manufacturer specifies the spindle diameter, this measurement is often times rounded up. Digital calipers go from about $30 and up.For the Mint tractor, it is bette... 
Turntable Speed
Frepec,Your speed issues are not uncommon with turntables without a speed controller. I found myself in your same situation when I had a Wilson Benesch turntable and ended up buying a speed controller for it. I went for the Clearaudio Synchro sinc... 
Turntable set up HELP
Based on your experiments, my guess is there is a problem with the arm, or arm setup. You should perhaps look into using Hi-Fi News Analogue Test LP for setting up the anti-skating. There are four tracks used to the setup the anti-skating. You sho...