
Responses from iopscrl

Vintage Dual 1228 Turntable : worth to upgrade cartridge ?
Even in restored condition the 1228 is simply not a great table.  Current demand is driven more by nostalgia than performance.  All classic Dual TT are well built, and durable.  But they are incapable of top flight performance.  They are not a Gar... 
Mark of a scammer...learn not to burn.
"Truman" you violated your own rules.   You stated upfront that buyers with -0- feedback or lowball offers will be ignored.  A -0- feedback buyer contacted you and you chose to engage him.  Granted you did not complete a sale, but you also did not... 
Do supertweeters matter when we cant hear past 15,000 hz?
"Hearing" concerns the conscious notion that we are aware of sound, and the unconscious response to sounds that we may not recognize as such.  Our hearing mechanism is mechanical- electrical.  Specifically sound activates the mechanical elements o... 
Best Equipment Stand
My solution was both cheap and effective.  However it may not be aesthetically pleasing to everyone.   I used hardware store triangle brackets screwed into wall studs.   My TT rests on a composite shelf made from 2 pieces of 3/4 in birch ply, sepa... 
OK...I've ditched my mono cartridge
" Mono cartridges are less forgiving than stereo cartridges in many respects. They can put a heck of a load on a tone arm because of their requirements."Actually more forgiving of pressing or condition defects.  Most noise is transfered from vert... 
Questionable service at Soundsmith
SS backlog may be an unintended consequence of the vinyl resurgence.  More people are turning back to vinyl, picking up old cartridges on Ebay etc, and looking for rebuild options.  Mr. L's personal issues would (and should) take priority.  He is ... 
OK...I've ditched my mono cartridge
Everyone should reach their own conclusion.  My experience is that a mono reissue will sound different than a pre 1964 mono pressing, even when using the same cartridge (be it mono or stereo).  Mono cartridges will sound different, based upon cons... 
Upgrade Linn LP 12 or buy new table
Linn opinions still retain vestiges of the cult once surrounding Linn (and NAIM).  To some, a Linn represents a b&w TT decision- either you are for or against.   A Linn is what it is- a highly advanced AR XA.  Given the design, there are inher... 
Searching for the ideal vintage bookshelf speakers.
"  the classic AR 12 inch 2 way design"   Should be 3 way design. 
Searching for the ideal vintage bookshelf speakers.
AR 11 pair would fit most of your criteria.  Very solid construction, excellent bass response, non fatiqueing but natural sound.  They will not deliver a pinpoint image like a pair of LS3/5a properly mounted on stands etc.  The AR11 and most AR sp... 
Losing out
"Hello Mr. Seller, I am ready to BUY NOW and send you a payment""Sorry Mr. Buyer I am waiting for someone who may or may not follow through""Sorry Mr. Seller,  I will move on to someone who is actually ready to sell".