
Discussions inna has started

Is hybrid power amp the way to go ?452714
Must speakers have certain volume to sound convincing ?365940
Would increasing the gain in the amp give more weight to the sound? Any negatives?294638
Anyone has a sound like that ? Impressive. 194013
Replacing AcousTech phono with Allnic H1201. Is it worth it ?38344
Joule Electra preamps and amps. What is your impression?997838
Under $1000 each component used. What would it be ?13123
Gryphon Vitus Gamut870310
Wavac Audio amps30658
Outboard crossover? Why not?1222746
Active and passive preamp in one chain ?19879
Exotic vocal507653
Nagaoka MP-500 cartridge1428211
Loreena McKennith, anyone?14255
Where do you go to from Nottingham Analogue ?665615