
Responses from infinitebaffle

Y-S audio Symphonies preamp review
I have owned and heard many high end preamps. This is easily one of the best regardless of price. At $400 it is practically a gift. No solid state pre I've heard below $2000 is even in the same league. It is superior to my Audible Illusions 2C and... 
B&K ST-140 - Older vs. Newer versions?
Do a search. You will find this subject discussed in depth several times. 
Is my 1988 Nakamichi OMS-1 worth repairing?
Absolutely not!!! Buy an Adcom GDA 600 DAC and use your dvd player as a transport. The Adcom is usually available for $175-225 on ebay or here on The Gon. It is a magic box which sonically beats the pants off any cd player you could get for under ... 
Do Audio Experience Symphonies leak DC current?
I have this preamp which by the way is a very nice sounding unit. It appears to put out small amounts of dc. When I measure the dc at the output of my B&K amp it is stable at 4mv. When I hook up the pre to the amp and measure at the amp out th... 
anyone biamping with B&K ST-140?
Sean's info is correct as far as it goes. All the different versions sound different and probably shouldn't be mixed in a bi-amp situation. The 70 wpc and the first 2 versions of the 105 wpc amps look identical on the outside with gold lettering a... 
Amp question... Forte 4a or B&K ST140
Regarding the ST 140 and 4 ohm speakers. The early models with the gold lettering and silver handles used one pair of mosfets per side and do not handle 4 ohm loads very well. The later version with red & blue lettering is a completely differe... 
Adcom 545 vs. B&K st-140
Sound quality wise it is no contest. The B&K is many levels better than the Adcom. However, when it comes to driving 4 ohm speskers the early ST140-the one with the gold lettering and silver handles-is a little weak. Not very good current deli... 
Stereophile confirms new gear is getting worse....
Sean, Perhaps I did not make my point clear. There is no clear correlation between a products specs and the way it makes music in a system and therefore the specs are totally irrelevent as to the value of that product. Some of the worst measuring ... 
Stereophile confirms new gear is getting worse....
In the midst of all this verbiage I see nothing mentioned about what this gear sounds like. I thought the idea was to have a system that recreates music in your home. Something that might make you happy. I don't know about you but I don't actually... 
$250-$400 CD player recommendations?
If you really want the best sound for this price range here it is: Buy a used Adcom GDA 600 DAC for around $200 and use any cd or dvd player as a transport with a decent digital cable. This will WAY WAY WAYYYYYYY outperform any of the players you ... 
Combined speakers yeild even better performance
This type of thing almost never works out to the good. You will almost always end up with a lower level of performance than using one pair of good speakers. Firstly the sensitivity of the two speakers is never the same, secondly you are messing up... 
Comments on Nakamichi PA5
After owning a couple of Nak's Stasis receivers and being pretty impressed with their sonics I purchased a PA5 with high expectations and was completely disappointed with it. A very average sounding amp at best. Not even in the same league with my... 
Preamps. Do we really need them?
There is no such thing as a completely neutral preamp. They all add and/or subtract something from the signal. If we assume that your amplifier has high enough sensitivity and high enough input impedance to be driven by a passive then that is the ... 
Anyone have heard of Tangent RS-8 speakers
The Tangent speakers used the Audax bextrene 8" bass/mid. drivers These drivers were very inefficient(around 84db) and wouldn't handle much input(rated at 25 watts) but they were very musical with a punchy bass down to around 40-50hz. My memory of... 
Your ''best kept secret'' speaker choice ?
I hardly think Magnapan fits in the less well known or obscure category. More likely it's in the top five best known brands, at least among audio enthusiasts. Is there anybody out there who hasn't heard of them?