

Responses from in_shore

Music Servers, Do They Matter?
I sure like my music server , it’s my third in four years coming from a dedicated transport and separate dac I’d never go back too.Today I’m experiencing the best playback quality I’ve ever experienced so far in my home , 432 Evo Aeon server and H... 
Best Sounding USB Cables?
Wire , the most confiscatory priced item in this great hobby , lol what do you do ,,, 
Best Sounding USB Cables?
There’s nothing that influenced the out come with what we heard , I’m mature enough not to fall for any preconceived expectations or any sort of juvenile notions , And certainty nothing was discussed prior to listening I simply asked what vocal so... 
Best Sounding USB Cables?
I currently use Sablon Audio USB from my 432 Evo Aeon to Holo May KTE Dac with a remarkable difference over a few others I’ve tried .First noticed with well recorded vocals there is a realistic timbre , a living presence with vocals that is astoni... 
Holo Audio May DAC
Mgrif are you considering one or the other ? The Mola dac is $14,000.00 the May KTE dac is $5200.00 landed on your door step ,..Spiff2001 perhaps I misinterpreted your comments,..I don’t view the dac as the component to make or break sound quality... 
Streaming Sound Quality - Want the very best sound quality? Network Acoustics ENO...
The NetWork USB cable better then Bills latest Helix and Sablon Audio !  
Audio envy - dang!
I have ordered a XLR GL pair ,  
A Very Useful New Discovery--EON Digital Filter from Network Acoustics
I’ve asked DJones several times in the past to participate in a debate with John Darko to air his complaints against Darkos reviews but he never shows up including suggestions to join AudioPhileStyle to set those people straight though he won’t bi... 
Holo Audio May DAC
Snopro to sum it up best i can , if you watched the YouTube video of New Record Day review of the KTE  that moment he paused over mentioning returning the Denafrips Terminator while listing to the May KTE dac in his system is very much similar rea... 
Holo Audio May DAC
Cleo 52 if you have ever been diagnosed with audio OCD or experienced symptoms of OCD while obsessing over tweeks and or upgrades your not alone , the extra few hundred for the KTE model could end up being money well spent especially for your peac... 
Holo Audio May DAC
 Hchilcoat hang on to your Big 7 and see what the Evo Aeon brings to the table ,,I changed dacs for a couple reasons , personally I find the Holo May KTE a tremendous bang for the buck and it’s beautiful to look at too. 
Holo Audio May DAC
Hchilcoat I wasn’t too sure about the Evo Aeon the first couple months I owned it however thinking about it I believe it was simply a sonic change just logging hours onto it along with the new interconnects .For me playback is the best I’ve experi... 
Holo Audio May DAC
I have a Holo May KTE dac though my experience is what’s up stream of the dac will certainly make a difference and I’m not the only one .Just in the past four years I’ve had PS Audio Direct Stream senior, Denafrips Terminator, Rockna Wave Dream , ... 
Streaming vs ripped music
My ripped CDs using a 432 Evo Aeon server , Holo May KTE dac is clearly more enjoyable then streaming though perhaps I should look into critical changes like member Grannyring is using for his streamed music , I don’t know , what I’m currently hea... 
Takedown of pricey servers, streamers OCD HiFi guy
Unlike some whom posted comments early in this thread i assume like most like myself would actually listen to said components in your own system to compare, However specifications and measurements is all they need to determine a components worth a...