Responses from iamasif
Tekton Double Impacts Thanks Mac48025 for the info. I’m using Emotiva Xmc1 pre-amp does it has phantom mode? Or can I get similar to phantom mode performance in Xmc1? | |
Tekton Double Impacts Thanks Kenny. One another question, I purchased pair of DI towers 4-ohms and my center channel is different one (Definitve tech 8060 CR) which is 8-ohm. Can we mix/match 4 and 8 ohm speakers from my emotiva gen3 amplifier? | |
Tekton Double Impacts What guage speaker cables is recommended for DIs. I'm planning to use mediabridge 16guage speaker wire to connect my DIs with Emotiva amplifier. Will Emotiva Xpa Gen3 amp provide required power for DIs?Any info is highly appreciated. | |
Golden ear triton 1 vs tekton double impact speakers Hi Cardiffkook- What I understand is DIs performed well when placed away from front/side wall, I was thinking only Bipole speakers (i.e., Def. Tech) performance depends on how far we place them away from front/side walls and Tekton DIs are not bip... |