
Responses from hvu

Help Totem Forest
I have totem forrest as well. The color ring is recessed about 1/8" (I think) under binding post. I agree that it's hard to see. But if you look at the back of speaker, the right is positive (red) and the left is negative (black) 
Hi, Does Rega Apollo decode HDCD? How is its bass?thanks. 
DAC for $1800 or less?
Horseface, I'm in the same boat as i have rotel rcd-1072. The only play i think i would is Cary 303/300, but it is expensive player. I would try rcd-1072 as a transport and get Benchmark DAC-1. This is what i will try after tax time...:) I think B... 
Is Plinius 9200 much better than 8200 MK II?
thanks.What speaker do you have , if you don't mind? I have Totem Forrest. Totem suggested me Plinius. I currently have Rotel separate, but i don't have a way to compare both brands together. 
Should Rotel be ok to drive Totem Forrest?
George3, I have Rotel amp RB-1080 with 200 wpc and rotel pre-amp RC-1070. Even though, they sounds good to me, but i think rotel pre-amp is weakest link and i want to get the most out of Totem Forrest. So i'm thinking of upgrading either pre-amp o... 
Should Rotel be ok to drive Totem Forrest?
Duane, i appreciate your suggestion. Even though i'm not into tube, i will take a look. Is there any other solid state pre-amp you would suggest? How about Krell, plinius, Musical Fidelity, or Bryston?thanks again. 
Should Rotel be ok to drive Totem Forrest?
Thanks for response.I actually have Rotel RC-1070 (pre-am) and RB-1080(amp). So, if replace rotel pre-amp with something else, does the sound signature change? I think rotel pre-amp is the weakest chain in the line.thanks. 
Does anyone hear Bryston pre-amp BP26?
Thank you all.The reason i'm asking because i want to upgrade my system (rotel rc-1070 pre-amp) to a better pre-amp. Do you think Bryston pre-amp and rotel power amp match? I think i can go with Plinius integrated amp as many people seem to like p...