
Discussions husk01 has started

Tube amp to drive MBL 101's2151728
Looking for IC suggestions for a Calypso Pre.16561
Tube replacement for the Calypso?39008
Lexicon MC12 V429252
Meitner vs Esoteric X-01 vs Reimyo37031
Reimyo CDP 77758686
Sennheiser HD590 on an airline flight?36227
Question on imput impedance and gain when bi-ampin19133
What is your favorite Greg Brown CD?365317
Sim Audio Eclipse vs Audio Mecca Mephisto ll X29182
Parasound JC1's vs. Sim Audio W104880870
What amp to drive the MBL 101d's?856310
2004 HE18791
Anyone heard the new Tenor 150 Hybrids yet?35244