

Responses from horseface

CD drive improves HD rip quality?
I was wondering the same thing - I am up to almost 3000 ripped CD's (FLAC) and there have been plenty of errors and problems. It's mostly caused by older CD's with marks, scratches ...etc. I clean and inspect everything before I rip it now ... I u... 
MP3 files to Apple lossless
I can understand your hesitation to re-rip but having just finished ripping 2600 CD's to FLAC I am finally happy. With drive space so cheap I think it's worth going to lossless now more than ever. Once your collection is in a lossless format you c... 
Problem with USB audio
Asus has a pretty good forum and I just did a search for "A8 USB problems" - I got a few hits and one or two sounded similar to the problem you are having. One guess having messed with this stuff for years is to check the Asus download site for up... 
Best cover songs?
Ring of Fire - Social Distortion (J. Cash) 
Good Analog EQ
Hello,I have the Aerial model 6 and I hear what your saying about the bass end of the Aerial model 9. The model 6 is a fraction of your Aerial 9's and the bass is just incredible for the size of bass driver. I have had to do some repositioning in ... 
Speakers secured with bungee cord
There was a post on Agon some time ago talking about a blue putty. Bluetack - I think it was called, some members had used it for securing speakers to stands. Help me out here someone.At any rate, I bought some on-line for $7-8 and used it on my H... 
Great systems in butt-ugly rooms
I love my man-cave ... It's not pretty and I have stuffed it with audio and computer gear. It's dimly lit with neon lights and the acoustics are third rate.Sure I would love a 20' X 30' room with lofty ceilings to spread out in but thats for all y... 
Aerial 6 or 7B ? Nearfield listening. Thanks.
I test drove both the 6's and 7B's two or three times. I felt the 6's were a better speaker so I picked up a used pair. I have a similar room setup to what you described. Small room (12X15) I listen maybe 7 foot back from the front of the speaker ... 
Dynaudio C1 + Mcintosh 275 amp, do they match?
I was at my local Dynaudio dealer (Pearl Audio, Portland OR) and was told the 275 would be a great match for the C1. They are also a McIntosh dealer and seemed very knowledgeable. He advised running two in mono if I go with the C2. My bet is you c... 
McIntosh 252 or 275 for my B&W 804s?
Well,I just took the plunge about a month ago and picked up a MC 275 V. I first upgraded from all solid state to a Modwright SWL 9.0 tubed linestage and a Mark Levinson 23.5. That was a huge change ... probably the biggest for me. I like the contr... 
Paradigm Monitor series vs Studio series
I have to agree with Cruz123 ... I have owned 20's, 40's in v2 and v3 versions, the original Reference 100’s and Signature S4's and S2's. Right now I am running 40 v3, ADPs with a CC-570 center … soon to add 20 v3’s for a 7.1 setup on all Rotel po... 
Any comments on the new Rotel RSP-1069
Hello,I too am interested in the RSP-1069 ... I would like to get into HDMI switching as most all of my components have an HDMI output. The price is a bit steep for me and Rotel technology seems to be somewhat slow to develop but I am a sucker for... 
Who else wants to keep their system secret?
I have never bothered to post my system ... but I do have to admit from time to time I find myself looking at other member’s setups. I tend to start my day on the computer, I will go through the "New Today" list and see if there is anything "too g... 
Mark Levinson Where is the Emotion??
I started with a Denon receiver and Rotel CD ... I had the same problem you described... I ended up with a Levinson 360S and 37, Levinson 23.5 amp and a Modwright SWL 9.0. I got a little carried away. I really like Levinson equipment. Excellent bu... 
Wadia 7 and Levinson 30.5 vs Todays CD Players
I'm running a No.360S/37 combo .... even at that level I cant find a better setup. I have blown people away - even compared to SACD and DVD-A setups the Levinson (to me) is the absolute best I have heard. The only upgrade I would even consider wou...