
Responses from honeybee2012

Why pay so much for super high end?
We have some very talented DIY guys in our audio group.   Beyond the musical enjoyment we all get from the finished product, there is quite a bit of satisfaction to be had by building something from scratch.   I don't think saving money has much t... 
Any other Sony SS-AR1 owners out there?
Thank you for your interest in disrespect. 
Any other Sony SS-AR1 owners out there?
@solid_snake err......I don't think "japs" is a proper term.   Sounds like the N word.   
New Yamaha a-s3000 and a-s2100 integrated amps ??
I have the A S2000 and the matching C S2000 SACD PLayer.  Both are built like a tank and sound great.  I use these daily and can report no issues. 
Coda Audio Video based in San Francisco is running a fraudulent operation
Forget the FBI.  Thr California AG has a fraud division.  Call them TODAY. 
Conrad Johnson Repair Issues
We have a CJ sales point here in Tucson.  Small dealer. working out of his house, I am certain he just loves having this thread stretch into infinity.  CJ has been called into question ........  small dealers cannot withstand claims of bad custome... 
Conrad Johnson Repair Issues
@almarg, good point, but I do not believe we are going to get further information.It has been to long. 
Conrad Johnson Repair Issues
mfoley3, supra, has said it all. I vote to remove this thread. 
Conrad Johnson Repair Issues
Very sad that this issue has not been explained / resolved.  I would think twice about any purchase of a CJ product. 
Conrad Johnson Repair Issues
czarivey / Marco1.   Agree, but remain concerned 
Conrad Johnson Repair Issues
I think our OP (pereza) has some issue which he does not want to disclose.  I would recommend that this thread be pulled from the web.If CJ is blameless, then this thread could be considered as an attack on the reputation of a honest company.This ... 
Conrad Johnson Repair Issues
+ 1 @ arcticdeth.     I am hoping for a full explanation of this situation. 
Conrad Johnson Repair Issues
Bump.  Update! 
Vandersteen Treo vs 3A Sig as upgrade
@mr_m;  I have the Rogue CM2 integrated amp.  I have contacted Rogue a couple of times and found them to be very responsive.Regards.  Richard in Tucson 
Vandersteen Treo vs 3A Sig as upgrade
You guys are killing me.  Subs or Quatros......Quatros or subs......time for a wee gargle o' Islay.@ hifiman5, I just started the article in "Copper", it is the first in a series of articles re Subs@ mr.m  I am in Tucson where in AZ are you located?